Axe III into Clean Tube Amp (Like a Pedalboard)


Hey guys, I'm just starting as a guitarist for a fairly large church. I'm the new guy, so I'd rather not come in trying to change how they do things on the first day.

Basically, the venues have tube amps (Matchless, Bad Cat) set clean with cabs mic'ed up backstage. Guitarists bring their own pedalboards and plug into the church's amps.

Eventually, I'd like to talk them into letting me go direct, but for now I'm just going to set my Axe III up like a pedalboard. I assume this is as simple as bypassing my amp/cab blocks and connecting the Axe III to the amp's input.

Would Humbuster cables be of any use/benefit in this scenario? Is there anything I should be thinking about as far as getting the levels right between the amp and the Axe, or anything like that?

Any advice you can think of is much appreciated. I don't have a tube amp handy to do any testing beforehand. :)
Maybe instead just unplug one of the mic's and plug it into your Axe-III Output. Essentially going direct, I know.

If it were me, I would just cut to the chase. It's probably easier and less disruptive.
I haven't tried it, but if your church is like most they prob use a DI from the stage to the you woudn't need any special cable.

I have some tube amps around but haven't tried using my III into one for obvious reasons. Will give it a shot later if I have the time (or def tomorrow morning).
Thanks for the input everyone! I think I am going to go ahead and try to convince them that I should plugin direct... I'll have a backup preset just in case they insist. ;)
Thanks for the input everyone! I think I am going to go ahead and try to convince them that I should plugin direct... I'll have a backup preset just in case they insist. ;)

Go for it! Can’t imagine a sound guy preferring amps anymore (dealing w tubes, noise, mic placement, etc.) vs a direct signal.
Yeah, man; the cleans in the Axe are to die for; probably my favorite aspect of the whole machine. I'm sure the Matchless & Badcat are awesome, but you don't need them if you have the Axe. And yeah, as posted above, just go for it; they obviously trust you or you wouldn't have the position. Good luck!
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