Axe-Fx3 resale value in 10 years

I have 10 guitars, and most of them cost more than my FX3, and a couple were more than the FX3 and FM3 combined and, oddly, I never once wondered what they’d be worth in 10 years.

I didn’t buy this gear as a financial investment, there are many better ones out there, but these are an investment in myself. I will say that the rate of improvement in functionality and quality of sound we have because of the steady stream of firmware updates keeps raising the value of the FAS modelers, and is unmatched by their competitors.
This is how I feel and well said
I wouldn’t have been able to afford half of the guitars I have were it not for the AFXII and III — I’d have spent far more than an AFX on buying those vintage tube amps and the pedals/fx gear to go with them…
Hi all, I’m considering a transition from FM3 to a Axe FX III. Since it is a heap up in price, I’m wondering about its resell value in say, 10 years from now.

modelers get cheaper and cheaper over time and that’s inevitable.
In 10 years the Axe Fx III will be worth -$100

I'll take it off your hands now so you won't owe the $100 in the future.

As others have stated. I wouldn't worry about the III depreciating. Even if it's worth $0 in the future, think about all of the gear you're trading in for an all in one unit that you won't have to buy as separates.

We should have a thread listing the current values of all of the gear the Axe Fx III emulates.

E.g. A Mesa/Boogie JP IIC+ sells for $4k alone. Never have to buy tubes for the emulated unit. Which a set sells for roughly $300 to retube the amp head. No $1.5k 4x12 cab that hogs up room. Plus if you get tired of the sound, you're not stuck with the single $5.5k in total for a basic amp and having to buy another amp for additional loot.

The reason I bought an Axe Fx is exactly so I don't have to worry about reselling. As selling gear sucks, especially if you live in a place where gear sells poorly. Facebook Marketplace will drain your soul if you have to sell a bunch of gear in a pinch.
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At the organization where I work we donate the old IT gear to charity. You could do that with the Axe-FX if you ever consider it to be obsolete
Help Me Monday GIF by Foo Fighters
I don’t understand the question.
Well, obviously I do… but why care about ‘resell’ value?
Digital gear drops significantly in value over the years as new stuff comes out. I think we all know that.
I have the Axe III, and I still gig with the II… and the II (shock) still sounds great.

Personally, I wouldn’t worry about resale value in ten years, after all… who the hell knows where we’ll be at then.
It's been done before, at least for the Axe Fx II.

There was an older thread but the link is dead.

That thread also really only talked about the amps... And many more added since then.
Total: $450,039.00
Holy hell.

Likely over $1M of emulated equipment in the newer units then. I can only imagine the insurance bill for all of that hardware...

Yeah, there really is no reason for OP to fret over depreciating returns.
Take a look at Ultra pricing for a guide... 600 USD tops. That would be my bet... 600 in today's dollars.

Tons of enjoyment during that time, hopefully.

Gear isn't usually an investment, except in certain bizarre situations. It is an expense.
No one would question if you bought it up resale value potential if you were buying a '64 Princeton, or an overpriced, mass-produced new Strat or something. A digital product, and in the fan forum no less....hope you were looking for bullet points to rationalize the purchase.
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