Axe-Fx Ultra Through Studio Monitors


New Member
I am wondering if major sound quality/Tone is lost when running axe fx through only studio monitors or (high quality head phones)

i am new to axe fx and will be running the studio monitors and head phones through an interface to my mac (running logic 9) and would like to know that if the tone and sound quality (when making patchs) varies significantly! It is a tough process trying to get the exact tone you want so i know that i just need to practice, but i would like to know some preferences on how to get the best quality !

thank you very much and i hope for some feed back! i hope to become a part of this forum and gain all the knowledge i can on this wonderful piece of equipment!

Not many people seem to like using the Axe with headphones. Studio monitors are fine.
In fact I prefer the tone through Adam A7Xs to everything else.
I love and would not swap my Focal CMS 65's for anything similar. Reasonably priced in Europe, (made in France) expensive everywhere else, but amazing monitors!
I only use studio monitors now.

I track with monitors and mix with headphones.
Monitors equal faster tracking, headphones equal happy wives and babies. Benefits are, happier musicians when they need more "me" and less "them", and a flatter response. A Flatter response will fix a majority of the problem people encounter when something sounds great at home , but bad everywhere else they play their mix.
Using Mackie 624MKII monitor, and Audio Technica ATH-M50 headphones.
Here is a soundclip example I did.

Hope this helps.
I use studio monitors 100% of the time I am not playing live.

I run old school Mackie 624's with a JBL Sub.

Not many people seem to like using the Axe with headphones. Studio monitors are fine.
In fact I prefer the tone through Adam A7Xs to everything else.

I'm w/Alexander, Scott and quite a few others on this ! Adam A5X's for me and that's plenty in my office/bedroom ....
When tracking I mostly use studio monitors (Genelec 8040A+sub) but lately I've been trying out Beyerdynamic DT880's too and liking it.
I haven't been doing this for very long though, so take it with a grain of salt.
I'm w/Alexander, Scott and quite a few others on this ! Adam A5X's for me and that's plenty in my office/bedroom ....

+1! Happy owner of the Adam A7 (not the x, those weren't available at the time)
Hey everybody! thank you very much for your input!
I am loving how this forum is so spot on and friendly !

Yeah i am running axe fx through Rokit KRK monitors atm! For any clean ( pretty/ambient tones) everything sounds phenomenal, i just have to learn a lot more about tweaking my heavy tones to get to where i want! i have improved greatly even over the last day!
For head phones i have Nixon Master Blaster DJ-ing headphones and the tone sounds wonderful ! once again i just have to work on my editing for a heavy gained tone!

i am on the Periphery/The Contortionist style of playing and looking for quick intonation and very high chord intonation! (im not looking to have Periphery's or The Contortionists tone but have similarity's so i can create my own!)
there is a band called "Red Seas Fire" and in one of their recording videos Nolly has a great tone for quick chugs and my tone has been coming out almost dryer sounding if i am making sense!

Below is a link to that video!

Thank you all so much! and i hope to share my sounds along side all of yours!
Btw great job Soundshell777 ! i am stoked to hear how everyone else is utilizing this wonderful piece of equipment =D
Sometimes headphones are required, if you absolutely, positively need to "keep the noise down." But they can't give you the sustain and feel you'll get from using speakers at decent volume, no matter how much you tweak.
I am using two different sets of nearfields. First set is KRK Rokit 5s. Second set is Alesis M1. My headphones are BeyerDynamic DT770 Pro. I am happy with the tones from all of these. Good luck with whatever you choose.
The Axe kicks major ass through my Audio-Technica ATH-M40fs cans. You don't get any speaker/instrument interaction with cans but that's just the nature of headphones. Has nothing to do with the Axe specifically, IMHO. So if you understand and can accept that, cans are great when you want to be quiet.
I've had good results every way I've tried: headphones (Beyerdynamic), studio monitors (Genelec), powered PA cabs (FBT Verve) and guitar cab (Mesa 2x12).

This seems to be the rare case, but it's my experience I can tweak a sound on headphones in my apartment and have it sound good at the studio and in a band mix with minimal adjustments if any.
axe with studio monitors

Ive been considering downsizing my rig and going with an axe ultra and studio monitors.
right now i am playing a mesa mark 4 with a g system and 2 12 recto cab and an dr z air brake.super sweet tone it is just too much for me.

how loud would a set of Adam a7x be. i am just playing at home and occasionally with friends.

also can i get great sounds at low volume.

it is time for a change and i would like to downsize.

will i be happy with an ultra through studio monitors for lower volume?

i would like it to be loud enough to jam with my brother he has a 20 watt guitar amp.

any recommendations are much appreciated

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