Axe-FX ultimate preset libary - online

Really really like your search. It's dead simple, without a complicated user interface, and every field is searchable. Thumbs-up.
Got an idea. How about adding a checkbox in the top most section -- maybe around the search -- for a "has recorded example" checkbox. The idea is very similar to the "has image" checkbox on craigslist's search.
I can add a symbol or text to the preset line in the list , automatically, if there was audio linked.
If I limit the linkable audio to 1 to each preset, then you could listen to it right on the front page, without opening the detail's page.
Would you guys want that?
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Thing is, I think the list has enough columns already; or at least, the ones there take up too much room. Perhaps lowering the font size on all but preset name and user?

As for having only 1 audio, I don't see why anyone would need to post 2.. all examples should be sectioned within 1. And as for putting a preview icon in the list, sounds cool! Then, we could sort based on that.
With all the discussion on this thread.. how come there's only 8 presets out there ?
With all the discussion on this thread.. how come there's only 8 presets out there ?
Because that's all there is in the world.

But seriously, I wish I knew. I think we need the moderators to create a sticky thread for everyone to see, if they'd be willing
I would if I had something worth uploading. I am a complete newbie at this. I am able to kludge around in a ready made preset, but make something new and interesting???

I'll need some major time on this!
I think we need a "preset type" field at the top to choose between a full preset and an effect block. This option should disable other unrelated fields in the form.

Also, file upload seems to be broken
Like and Dislike buttons have been added! You don't have to be logged in to vote and it's not limited (should it be?).

You can test on this page:
Demo Preset
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I agree, very nice. You'd think there would be more interest though, no?
That's probably because the site is still evolving a lot, and hasn't reached stability yet? This makes it look&feel like it's not quite ready for prime time? Just guessing... I'm looking forward to see people start using it (I'm not a very good tweaker, so my presets are probably of little or no interest to anyone).

What we would need is a large chunk of good presets to be placed here all at once, to give it the momentum it needs... but back to my first bullet: is it stable yet?
I agree on the momentum thing. It's like a party, most people show up once the fire's started. So..... I suggest we put in all the effect blocks from Yek's wiki and the forums.
I wonder if it would be impolite or lacking proper etiquette to load someone else's presets... I'm thinking of some of the great contributors (Ketil, Mark Day, etc.)... I'm not sure I'd feel comfortable loading their presets on their behalf. It would be fabulous if they did it themselves of course (roll out the red carpet to invite them to do so?)
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