Axe FX tuner precision VS Korg DTR and peterson


Still waiting for my Axe Fx to arrive and will have one space left in my rack.
Not sure if a rack tuner would be a good thing, is the axe tuner fast and accurate?
As good as korg DTR 1000/2000?

I have also read good things about the peterson strobe rack tuner.
At 1/10-cent accuracy - up to 30 times better than the accuracy of needle/LED tuners does it really help guitar tuning?
The tuner is good and accurate for 6 string standard tuned guitars. The first reason for a rack tuner would be to see the display from further away on a stage. The small display on the axe works great within 10 to 20 feet but a rack tuner has a much larger display. Another problem that Ive heard of is low tuned guitars having trouble with tracking but that isn't my bag so its never been an issue. The accuracy is good but if you were looking to use the same tuner for setting intonation then its worth having a good strobe tuner.

I don't need a rack tuner and would suggest that you wait until your axe arrives and then see if you need something more because I just have a blank rack panel over my extra space and it was a lot cheaper and allows me plenty of room for cables in the bottom of my 4 space rack. The flashing lights on rack tuners do look pretty cool though.
Like mr.beatdoctor said wait till you at least get the Axe Fx and then make a decision. The Axe tuner is very fast and accurate! I also have a Peterson flip tuner (which is awesome BTW) the Axe tuner still responds a bit faster. That being said the display of the Axe Fx can be a little difficult to see at certain angles also under certain lighting conditions, plus there is the size of the screen. Where a rack tuner is designed for all I just mentioned. Personally, sitting next to my MFC-101 I have a TC Electronics Polytuner another tuner that is very fast and responsive, but reference's all six strings at the same time which is cool to check yourself quickly. Real handy with floating trem's, as tuning one string you can still see how the other five are reacting. It will also do single string with a needle display or strobe display. The tuner also knows if you are hitting one string or all six, so no extra buttons to hit. And I have had no problems with the display, visibility is excellent.
The TC Electronics Polytuner looks pretty good but do they make a rack version of it?
Let me explain, I sold my korg DTR1000 few years ago and went with the korg pitchblack pedal.
It was on stage with me at my feet and someone from the audiance front row droped is beer bottle
on stage right on my pitchblack so my guitar sound stoped and i didn't knew why.
I had to plug straight in my amp and forget about my pedal for the rest of the show :p

I'll also be using a line 6 Relay G50 that I'll put on top of my gator shallow rack, maybe I could also put
the Polytuner on top with the relay!? But I would have to walk to my amp to tune :p
not beer-proof :p

I use a guitar Tech to tune my guitars and let me tell you they aren't beer proof either! John can handle about 8 pints before he can't tune a guitar anymore. Gone are the 10 pinter techs....Barely get through a night now...
I have Peterson Strobostomp that I use for setups and stuff, but the AxeFX tuner holds up very well. You don't get a cent accurate reading, but if you do line up the dot right in the middle just like any tuner its basically dead on. And what's really nice is that it isn't as flakey as a lot of other tuners I've used over the years where you'd have to do stuff like use the neck pickup with the tone rolled off to get a good fundamental signal to keep it from freaking out. It discriminates between the note and harmonics very well.

And yeah it's fast.

With that said nothing out there is faster than the turbotuner. That thing is ridiculous.
I'm curious about this. I am considering buying an axe fx and do not want to use wireless. My plan was an ultra and a MFC-101. However... I cant plug the guitar into the footswitch so I will need a long cable going from the guitar to the axe fx.

I digress... I am responding to this thread because I am wondering if any of you using stompbox tuners find they make ok buffers as well? I am looking into the the TC Electrics Polytuner, the Boss TU-3 and the Planet Waves Tru Strobe Pedal.

20 foot cable going from the guitar to te pedal tuner... 20 foot cable going from the pedal tuner to the amp.

Does anyone use this setup to avoid having one cable?

Will the tuner act as a buffer as well or will I need a buffer?
I have also read good things about the peterson strobe rack tuner.
At 1/10-cent accuracy - up to 30 times better than the accuracy of needle/LED tuners does it really help guitar tuning?
That's overkill for tuning a guitar. As shasha said, when you get to that center dot on the Axe-FX tuner, you're there. Going finer than that won't give you audibly better results.
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