Axe FX sounds bad with Soldano SM100 and VHT 2x12

Hey fellas,
First off, thank you for all the input!! :)

I tried all the things you mentioned: Deep, Damp, Sag, Master, Volume differentials, etc. The Soldano takes the signal from the the Axe's 1/4 output and it goes into the VHT. The cable from Axe to Soldano is a regular guitar cable and the cable from the Soldano to the VHT is a speaker cable. The Test 1 sound is exactly what I'm looking for. That's why I imagined that connecting to a rock amp and a rock cabinet would give me the same result, only with more air and punch.

The speakers are wired in phase because the cab's been used before and it works fine.

Question: does the fact I'm using an external power amp determine the fact that I have to disable the power amp simulation somewhere? If I do in the Global, the sound stays more or less the same. It's actually bigger WITH emulation.

Not sure what active/passive tone stacks are.

Anyway, I did another demo because something's just not right:

Sound 1: Amp + Cab emulation to PA
Sound 2: Amp without Cab emulation to PA
Sound 3: Soldano+VHT with Amp and Cab emulation
Sound 4: Soldano+VHT with amp and without Cab emulation

I feel sounds 2 and 4 are quite similar, which means that it's basically the Cab emulation that gives all the bass frequencies, which somehow my (fat bottom) VHT cabinet cannot.

Anybody make sense of this?
What is the audio stream and equipment used for Sound 1: Amp+Cab emulation to PA? What is the Axe-Fx Cabinet simulation you've chose, and what mic (if any)?

I understand what you mean - Sound 1 and Sound 4 should sound more similar than they do. Also, I do believe that certain cabinet/mic simulation combination can yield a lot of low end - or a lot more than you might think.

Do you have access to a different "B-test" amp/speaker combination with which you can compare vs. the "A" Soldano amp/VHT cab (that is, do an A/B test)? This would reveal a hint as to what's going on. Test "B" will most likely have either the same type of issues (lack of low end punch) or not (the low end punch you're looking for DOES exist).
In the end, if you are able to create the sound in the Axe-Fx using FRFR speakers, then the only conclusion is that something funky is happening with the Soldano.

I agree. Don't use the Axe's parameters trying to 'fix' something that's wrong with the power amp and/or speaker.
Your exsamples show pretty clearly that that is most likely the case.
What is the audio stream and equipment used for Sound 1: Amp+Cab emulation to PA? What is the Axe-Fx Cabinet simulation you've chose, and what mic (if any)?

It's the same configuration as the previous tests: Recto Orange + 4x12 V30, no mic

I understand what you mean - Sound 1 and Sound 4 should sound more similar than they do.

My thoughts exactly.

Also, I do believe that certain cabinet/mic simulation combination can yield a lot of low end - or a lot more than you might think.

Yea, I'm noticing how boomy it becomes with just adding the 4x12 V30 cab.

Do you have access to a different "B-test" amp/speaker combination with which you can compare vs. the "A" Soldano amp/VHT cab (that is, do an A/B test)? This would reveal a hint as to what's going on. Test "B" will most likely have either the same type of issues (lack of low end punch) or not (the low end punch you're looking for DOES exist).

Yea, I'm gonna try to get ahold of another amp and another cabinet so I can finally pinpoint what's the weak link in the chain!
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