Axe-Fx is not flat?

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Clark Kent said:
Who Jay is, has nothing to do with this topic. Yes I know Jay must've done something big as he repeatedly loves to mention but all I can find is guitar lessons so what went wrong? In this topic Jay is not a nice guy nor has he ever been on this forum and we all know this. If he was a good guy he would've simply helped me like "try doing this and this to get it flat". Instead he wants to be egocentric and make the thread all about how good and magnificent he is. He's a basic case of a guy who isn't pleased with his self image so he gets satisfaction by setting himself above other people on a forum like we've seen happened countless times. Sorry but that seems really sad to me.

Read his early posts in the thread again. Where is he making the thread all about how magnificent he is? All he did was state plainly what you were doing wrong and what to look for in fixing it.

"Reduce the level of the signal from your test generator (IOW, not by turning down the input level knob) and observe the difference. Keep working on it. I'm sure you can eventually get it right." Aside from specifically telling you how to address your issue, I'd even go as far as to say that sounds borderline encouraging to me. :|

YOU were the one coming back with the ego, as if your findings couldn't possibly be incorrect. JM was civilised up until the point where you'd persisted with your "proof" and then called him a dumbass, at which point I don't blame him for his change in attitude. Mind you, the worst he came back with was, "I'm tired of this crap. This issue has been discussed and settled for years, and you're just plain wrong," which is only stating his frustration and again stating that you're wrong (which he then displayed proof of). Again, not really seeing where he was being unreasonable.
When I see threads that turn into this type of beast, only one quote comes to mind. (please keep in mind, I am only quoting a genius and not trying to imply that I have the capacity to come up with a message so profound or pure)

Shut Up 'n Play Yer Guitar
Porkchop Xpress said:
When I see threads that turn into this type of beast, only one quote comes to mind. (please keep in mind, I am only quoting a genius and not trying to imply that I have the capacity to come up with a message so profound or pure)

Shut Up 'n Play Yer Guitar

I was playing my guitar until I read this thread. :x


A friend of mine saw Jay ripping the beard of Chuck Norris off, due he had some bad graph of his stereo showing it's flat. :D
eda123 said:
You have two classes, both are super bright, and both with big egos:

1) Those that have awful social skills. They dispute every fact, every point. They look down upon those around them. They tear people down who ask for help. They are condescending. They are unpleasant to most people. These types often are kept around purely for thier mind, and are stuffed in a corner by themselves- this is where they prefer to be, and where most people would rather have them. A bit of a God complex.

2) Those that are brilliant, but spend a lot of time mentoring and helping others *constructively*- taking a kind approach even when they are attacked. Taking a helpful approach when others are completely wrong. These are the ones that usually succeed even more. They are secure enough in thier knowledge and self image that not everything needs to be a "IM RIGHT YOU ARE WRONG, IF YOU PERFECT AND NEVER MADE MISTAKES WOULDNT NEED TO YELL AT YOU LIKE THIS" argument.

I've had the pleasure of working with some incredibly talented and even brilliant people (several of them were physicists I might add). With the years I've worked with these sorts of projects, I can say with all certainty that the above grouping of peoples is entirely ludicrous. When you try to turn people into objects to be categorized, you are bound to come up with wrong conclusions about lots of things...

Since the point of this little juncture was to throw Jay into category #1, let me say that Jay doesn't fit well into the category as he's helped a number of individuals here without any sort of God complex or condescension. I'm one of those people. He has helped me several times via PM and on the forum. He was never the least bit condescending, nor did he act as if he thought he were God.

I'm not here to take up for Jay, he can fight his own battles as he chooses. I feel that same "obligation" he was describing earlier though when I see the "let's make broad categorizations of people" thing come up. It particularly bugs me when the categories are fabricated in such a manner as to throw the person you don't like into the bad category. Which of course when you've mentioned that you are a bright professional yourself (an engineer in this case), suggests that you are probably one of the lovely people you've spoken so highly of in Category #2.

aftec said:

A friend of mine saw Jay ripping the beard of Chuck Norris off, due he had some bad graph of his stereo showing it's flat. :D

Some people wear Superman pajamas. Superman wears Jay Mitchell pajamas.

Jay Mitchell will never have a heart attack. His heart isn't nearly foolish enough to attack him.

Jay Mitchell set ants on fire with a magnifying glass. At night.

Jay Mitchell doesn't breathe, he holds air hostage.

When Jay Mitchell crosses the street, the cars have to look both ways.

When the boogeyman goes to sleep, he checks his closet for Jay Mitchell.

Jay Mitchell can win a game of Connect Four in only three moves.

Jay Mitchell is the reason why Waldo is hiding.

Jay Mitchell lost his virginity before his father.

When Jay Mitchell does press ups, he doesn't move the earth does

dk_ace said:
eda123 said:
You have two classes, both are super bright, and both with big egos:

1) Those that have awful social skills. They dispute every fact, every point. They look down upon those around them. They tear people down who ask for help. They are condescending. They are unpleasant to most people. These types often are kept around purely for thier mind, and are stuffed in a corner by themselves- this is where they prefer to be, and where most people would rather have them. A bit of a God complex.

2) Those that are brilliant, but spend a lot of time mentoring and helping others *constructively*- taking a kind approach even when they are attacked. Taking a helpful approach when others are completely wrong. These are the ones that usually succeed even more. They are secure enough in thier knowledge and self image that not everything needs to be a "IM RIGHT YOU ARE WRONG, IF YOU PERFECT AND NEVER MADE MISTAKES WOULDNT NEED TO YELL AT YOU LIKE THIS" argument.

I've had the pleasure of working with some incredibly talented and even brilliant people (several of them were physicists I might add). With the years I've worked with these sorts of projects, I can say with all certainty that the above grouping of peoples is entirely ludicrous. When you try to turn people into objects to be categorized, you are bound to come up with wrong conclusions about lots of things...

Since the point of this little juncture was to throw Jay into category #1, let me say that Jay doesn't fit well into the category as he's helped a number of individuals here without any sort of God complex or condescension. I'm one of those people. He has helped me several times via PM and on the forum. He was never the least bit condescending, nor did he act as if he thought he were God.

I'm not here to take up for Jay, he can fight his own battles as he chooses. I feel that same "obligation" he was describing earlier though when I see the "let's make broad categorizations of people" thing come up. It particularly bugs me when the categories are fabricated in such a manner as to throw the person you don't like into the bad category. Which of course when you've mentioned that you are a bright professional yourself (an engineer in this case), suggests that you are probably one of the lovely people you've spoken so highly of in Category #2.


You are either helpful in a constructive way or you are not. Thats what i meant by #1 and #2, and I do believe that folks generally operate in one or the other mode. Thats all.
LOL @ the C. Norris / J. Mitchell jokes :lol:

BTW, I can understand that sometimes people take Jay's utterances as a bit rude/ not diplomatic, but I think that's
because he's very straight forward (which is great when it's about facts), and people often read something into plain text, which is not there; you "hear" a condescending voice though it's not there.

I'm very glad that people like Jay, AlbertA and other experts are on the board and point out errors/misunderstandings/myths where
they occur, which unfortunately often happens with audio related topics.
Thanks for the link to the old thread, I learned a lot about how the input works and where the differences are.

And I think there's a person on this board with a strong ego and it's not Jay.
Hint: almost all of his threads start with his name [sic]
eda123 said:
You are either helpful in a constructive way or you are not.
There are 10 kinds of people in the world: those who try to force everything into binary terms, and those who do not. :lol:
Clark Kent said:
Who Jay is, has nothing to do with this topic
He is someone who has shown others like you (who made the exact same mistakes) why their measurements were inaccurate. The difference is that the other users saw why they were wrong, admitted it, and appreciated the information.

Clark Kent said:
In this topic Jay is not a nice guy nor has he ever been on this forum and we all know this.
Please don't speak for "all" of us. Your sweeping generalization is bullshit.

Clark Kent said:
If he was a good guy he would've simply helped me like "try doing this and this to get it flat".
That is exactly what he did...until you started with the personal insults.

Clark Kent said:
Instead he wants to be egocentric and make the thread all about how good and magnificent he is.
Where does he do this? Again, more personal insults. I have hot read any from the other party.

Clark Kent said:
He's a basic case of a guy who isn't pleased with his self image so he gets satisfaction by setting himself above other people on a forum like we've seen happened countless times. Sorry but that seems really sad to me.
Seems to me he just gets a bit irritated when someone posts BS as fact and then calls him a dumbass for pointing out the error.

Clark Kent said:
Let's stop this topic since it's not going anywhere.
Or because you realize the thread is not going to turn out in your favor.

Clark Kent said:
And btw Jay's spectrum wasn't flat either.
Looks flat to me.

Clark Kent said:
And about me making an ass out of myself. No... I don't feel embarrassed. I'm one of the good guys on this forum and I'm sure most of you agree. I help people out without trying to make things revolve around me.
Let's posted baloney, insisted you weren't wrong even after being told why what you did was erroneous, called the person trying to help you a dumbass, suggested ending the thread because it "wasn't going anywhere" instead of "I now see why I was wrong thank you", and then heaped more attacks on top of it all. I'd be a bit embarrassed in that situation.

Bottom line, the response of the Axe is flat when used properly. A sticky has been posted. Time to lock the thread? Or is there more entertainment to be had on this subject?
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