Axe Fx indestructible, no matter how much airport staff tries

I literally just flew back from a festival gig in Portugal.

On my way there, I manage to get my flightcase with Axe Fx + matrix in checked baggage.
Not only they were on strike and i had to take 3 different flights (4 countries in 1afternoon) instead of one straight flight and get there late, but they messed up with my flightcase and I think maybe opened it, messed up with the screws or something.. anyway whatever actually happened, i check my rig at arrival and its all over the place : axe and matrix unscrewed and TOTALLY LOOSE in the box, matrix front plate coming off, loose screws but also missing screws (???).
Newly bought flightcase full of deep dents and scratches.......:shock

Needless to say my jaw dropped to my balls.

Dude picks us up at the aiport, drives like a maniac in a rainstorm for an hour, they throw us in backstage, i screw what i can into place in the flight case, tidy it up a notch, load on stage.

Breath holds as Axe Fx takes longer to display anything (6 or 7 seconds)... time stops...

Main preset loads up, turn on the matrix, made a killing.

Sounded f****** great. No problem whatsover. Survived flights, transits and countries banging around loose in a flightcase.

WTF is wrong with airline workers? What is the point in trashing gear? They always bitch that they want more pay and yet they behave like asses. If my employees are going to behave like asshats the last thing I'm going to do is give them a pay raise.
Everything being unscrewed says to me that customs tore through it. They don't feel the same burning need to re-assemble things when they are done as they do to tear things apart.

They probably were concerned because they couldn't see the vacuum tubes on the x-rays.
Also... who here has ever tried running through big airports calling your name cuz you're about miss your connection, with a hand luggage containing the mfc-101. That thing is HEAVY!

Ow i didn't mention : they lost our guitars too!!!!! We were so lucky to have friends who played earlier at the same fest and who have similar guitars.

What a day that was.
WTF is wrong with airline workers? What is the point in trashing gear? They always bitch that they want more pay and yet they behave like asses. If my employees are going to behave like asshats the last thing I'm going to do is give them a pay raise.

I actually wrote "do not throw" on my bands gear.....on more than one occasion after boarding I've been able to look out as baggage is incoming....watched them pick up the flight cases, read the "please don't throw" and give it some extra ooomph. F*ckers would just huck it anyway. 1 of them was a full pedal board that weighed 90 Lbs.....they'd actually read it, call a buddy, load other stuff till the buddy showed up then when the buddy got there....throw it.

The moral don't skimp on flight cases, don't cut corners securing your gear in them, and build everything you tour with like someone is going to _intentionally_ destroy it....because chances are....someone will.
This has been going on forever. I think it is a rite of passage for baggage handlers. I once was sitting on a plane and watched a baggage handler pick a piece of musical gear off the cart and raise it up as high over his head as he could get it and then slammed it down as hard as he could onto the conveyor. Some pathetic "little people" get their kicks from making others miserable. Sad life.
Been there. Had gear delayed missing. Never come back. If the tsa or what ever country security can't see through the devise and they don't know what it is. They WILL TAKE IT APART the first time I met Warren Haynes that's what him his tech Farmer (passed away) spent time talking about. He had a Bradshaw pedalboard and a few times after flights to Europe farmer would open the case and all of the pedals were unplugged. The Bradshaw system opened up the board pretty much dismantled. I don't trust flight cases on most flights unless I'm traveling with a band and there's lots of cases. I try to travel with as much as carry on as possible. When I do have to check gear. I put the Manuel or some printed out description of what the strange electronic expensive gear is and what it does. That has helped big time! My experience at least. :0) I've traveled in a four of the country solo with the axe fx many times. I carry a simple description of it and a guitar rig printed out. They still have no idea what it is when they ask but it looks official and they usually leave it alone. MFC. Included. Then they loose the whole bag for awhile. But they always. ALWAYS go through my stuff. I notice with rack gear. They tend to not close the latches all the way. I've seen small racks comedown the concert belt with lids completely off many times. :0).

Speaking of travel. Anybody in Arkhangelsk Russia I can borrow and MFC 101 from for the blues festival later this month :0) May 21st. One day. One show. :0)
I used to work in a building that had an O'hare TSA branch office for awhile. They were the loudest, most obnoxious group of... well... ASSHATS, as the man said. When they left, the building got about 20db quieter, and the bathrooms about 75% cleaner.
They must seriously scour the earth to find the biggest fuckwits to fill these positions. I really despise them. I rocked up at a gig last wknd and my pedal board was all over the place. I can barely lift the pedals off myself when I am trying to because there is so much velcro. But yep, you guessed it, everything was loose and rattling around. The fuckwits must've seriously thrown it from the top of the stairs.

If I ever met someone who said they were a baggage handler I'd smack them in the face straight away.
They are looking for druuuuuuuuuuugs and since you are a musician you have to be on druuuuuugs.
Its either that or you have to be some kind of terrorist.

Its just training to control the population ..
Imagine how mad people will be when they wake up and realize this was all done to take away more of our rights ?
Thus that control they need to have a steel hand over us all..
especially dirty dirty musicians because of the druuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuugs and possible rebellious attitudes.

Those pedal boards could be weapons of mass destruction or some kind of doomsday device and dirty dirty musicians are considered hostile
and possible terrorists or anarchist.. They consume mass amounts of druuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuugs and are dirty dirty musicians who have impure thoughts.

Remember what started this 911. If anyone here has not researched that please watch Dr. Judy Woods presentation on 911.
Then try to think how it was to travel before that happened.

Now we see Mwraps and Militarizing of the police forces in USA Jade Helm 15.
Why ?

Why its to protect us from all that terrorism ..
and dirty dirty musicians no doubt..

My question here is everybody happy ?

Im in Texas right now and watching jade helm go down.
They are not welcome here and the Gov just sent the state guard to watch every move the feds make.

Lots of dirty dirty musicians in Texas and we must all be hostile because Texas and Utah are considered hostile.
By our own military..

I know its the dirty dirty musicians has to be.. with all that angst and pent up hostile feelings they need to protect everyone
in case we break out in song.

Just remember YES WE CANT.

Now if you are an illegal coming in no problem
if you are drunk and kill someone here driving after you get here
no problem if you have 19 kids and need to come here to get a job
and you happen to be a gang member or cartel then no problem
why Nancy Pelosi will wash your feet.

But you better not be born here and a dirty dirty musician with impure thoughts or
weapons of mass destruction such as guitar pedals or controllers because they are watching you..

While waving on the illegals through to sway the vote..

At least they are not trying to disarm us all or take away the ammunition in case we need to defend ourselves
crapping all over the constitution I mean if that happened people might wake up.

I mean that would be tyranny would it not ?
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