Axe-Fx III or FM3 for effects only users?

Interesting chart... Nice to see a comparison and it makes me glad that I have a III. There does seem to be one error in the chart though. The CPU usage is consistently HIGHER on the FM3 (approx. 2:1 or 3:2 on average?) however, the chart shows that the CPU usage for the Delay block is LOWER on the FM3. Considering that none of the other blocks work like that and that even the Multi-Tap delay shows a clear advantage for the III, this seems odd. Anyone want to venture a guess as to whether or not this is correct or take a stab at a technical explanation for why this might be. Just doesn't seem right...
It’s correct.
That is a very good suggestion. My Axe fx II presets are mostly around 80% or so (sometimes less sometimes more). So I guess that will not be sufficient for the FM3?
Likely but not certain. If that 80% contains reverb at the highest quality, stereo ultrares cab, 2 delay blocks and some duplicate blocks that you could merge in 4 channels of a single block, there's a chance it could work on the fm3 with little to no compromises.

PS: another option could be what Larry Mitchell does, offload the reverb to an external pedal (H9, bigsky, etc..) and you'll probably have enough cpu for everything else
Likely but not certain. If that 80% contains reverb at the highest quality, stereo ultrares cab, 2 delay blocks and some duplicate blocks that you could merge in 4 channels of a single block, there's a chance it could work on the fm3 with little to no compromises.
this is why it's a tough comparison without any specifics. 4 channels can do a lot and can reduce the need for multiple blocks.
Just wanted to chime in on the size of Axe Fx II vs III.

I personally find the Axe Fx III much more transportable than the II. While it is one unit higher, it is much less deep. This makes the rack more manageable... I can use a shallow rack instead of a deep one.

Also, I almost never used the front panel on the II... The UI is vastly improved on the III and I do most of my work there now.
Just wanted to chime in on the size of Axe Fx II vs III.

I personally find the Axe Fx III much more transportable than the II. While it is one unit higher, it is much less deep. This makes the rack more manageable... I can use a shallow rack instead of a deep one.

Also, I almost never used the front panel on the II... The UI is vastly improved on the III and I do most of my work there now.

I didn't know that it was less deep. Thanks for that! But still; 3 units...:D
PS: another option could be what Larry Mitchell does, offload the reverb to an external pedal (H9, bigsky, etc..) and you'll probably have enough cpu for everything else

That's actually not a bad suggestion! Although it would be a waste not to use the Axe fx reverb. But for the really crowded presets that would be a good solution. I have a H9 and love it.
You could always buy a III and decide later whether or not to sell it and get an FM3. Unless you're on the wait-list you'll be waiting a long time to get the FM3 but I'm sure you know that.

I think I have simpler needs than you but I love all the options that the III brings. So much damn power. Gapless switching using 2 amp blocks is great too and you can run a basist and extra guitarist through one unit if need be. That may not matter to you though. I was pretty annoyed when I saw the 3U format but I got over it. I had to have the best of the best because reasons.
You could always buy a III and decide later whether or not to sell it and get an FM3. Unless you're on the wait-list you'll be waiting a long time to get the FM3 but I'm sure you know that.

Didn't know that but I am not in a hurry. I have plenty of gear to keep me busy. Think I can survive without an Axe III or FM3. But one of them will come in the (near) future.

I am waiting for the euro price of the FM3. I think the euro price is not set yet?
Hi....I'm in a somewhat similar boat (only different). I am a violin player. I honestly don't care much about the bazillion of amps/cabs - I don't use them. I absolutely do use the CAB for some custom IRs to make an electric violin sound more like an acoustic one.

I use the Fx to death.....and I actually come close to maxing out on the CPU with the Axe Fx III

As others mentioned - I wish it was lighter, smaller, easier than a 3 rack unit. But what you going to do.....
Neural DSP has something interesting coming out in the fall - it's the roughly the size/weight of a large laptop.

I do love the Axe's plethora of Fx; keep em' coming!!
Thoughts on this , I use total analog fryette LX II power amp to a stereo 4x12 cabinet and a midi analog tube black widow mgp 1a , I had a axe fix III and sold it , but I like the effects of fractal and wah. So do you think a fx 8 ot fm3 is the bay to go?using fm3 effects only , all on pedal board with wah mission.
Thoughts on this , I use total analog fryette LX II power amp to a stereo 4x12 cabinet and a midi analog tube black widow mgp 1a , I had a axe fix III and sold it , but I like the effects of fractal and wah. So do you think a fx 8 ot fm3 is the bay to go?using fm3 effects only , all on pedal board with wah mission.

That's a tough choice. The FM3 is more flexible (channels, updated algorithms, grid layout for effects processing), would work as a direct to PA backup, and is a current generation product with years of updates to come. The FX8 is optimized for use with tube amps with a great buffer, more foot switches, and highly transparent A/D/A converters. If it were me I think the scales would tip for the FM3.
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