Axe-Fx III Matching Output Levels on 1/2 to 3/4


How do I make all the outputs the same level?

I feel like I used to be able to do this. I haven't used my III in several months as I've been playing my AX8 but just hooked it back up to try out 12.09.

I have a patch that is literally just input 1 and then split out four ways to output 1, 2, 3 and 4. Outputs 1 and 2 are about 20 db hotter than outputs 3 and 4. This is seen in the front panel meters and the output block meters in Axe Edit.

The front panel output knobs are all in the same position (fully clockwise, maximum). I've disconnected all cables except the front instrument input, the power cable and the USB cable (in order to use Axe Edit)

I've tried adjusting things in the I/O -> Audio menu. +4/-10 on 1/2 doesn't seem to do anything. Setting the Boost/Pad on 3/4 to 18 dB gets it close but they're still lower than 1/2.

I have an early-ish Axe III (day 1 waitlist I think) and I'm running firmware 12.09.

Thanks in advance.
I should add a clarifying point. I know I can match the meters on the front panel by turning the physical knobs on the faceplate for outputs 1 and 2 down. The meters in Axe Edit don't appear to change though so if I have a signal that is near 0 dB for output 3 or 4, it will be maxing out the meter for outputs 1 and 2. And, if I understand correctly, that tells the level going into the D/A converter, yes? Seems like I'd want to present strong but not overloading signal to all the D/A converters to get good signal to noise ratios. Thanks
Adjust the level in the Output block.

Remember that outputs 3/4 are optimized for line level I/O.


It's like the old wild West in here. Quick draw on the keyboard!
Wow, thanks for the super quick responses, everyone!

OK, so maybe someone can comment on my workflow then. I'm using output 3 or 4 to connect to my power amp as the wiki page referenced above suggests. When I'm making patches, I try to get the level on that output as near to 0 as possible.

Now let's say I want to take that same patch and feed it into my DAW where I'm going to load an IR (or some crazy effects or whatever). I send the signal to my DAW via SPDIF. SPDIF can't be set to output 3 or 4, only 1 or 2 (or USB apparently?). So now, my signal is way too hot and will clip over SPDIF. Is dialing down the output level on output 1 or 2 via the output block's level knob the best way to do this or would it be better to initially set to the out 1/2 level and then turn the output level up on the 3/4 outs or does it make no difference?

Thanks again for such quick help!
It's probably easiest to increase Out 3/4 level as mentioned above. It doesn't really matter that much as long as the difference between 1/2 and 3/4 is somehow the appropriate value. If you ended up changing amp block level (say because you turned Out 1/2 down) be aware that this can make nonlinear things in post-amp effects (ducking, drive, compression) react differently.
To add:

Once you find where you need all your knobs set, use utilities -> ADC levels and note where the knobs are set in case they move.
That's a great tip.

I gain staged my band for our IEM mixer with all our Axe Fx units at 50%. A nice easy value to remember. Otherwise one person changes their level knob and all the mixes are off :)
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