Axe-Fx III Firmware 24.00 Public Beta #2

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Fixes (hopefully) the problems with the word clock.

Axe-Fx III Firmware Release Notes​


Improved speaker compression and amp interaction modeling.

Changed Master Volume taper for Recto1 models to agree with actual amp. This will slightly reduce the volume into the virtual power amp. Audition presets accordingly.

Added Global MV control to JS410 amp models. Master Volume has been renamed Channel MV. These two master volume controls can be used to balance the tone into the power amp (as in the real amp). The Channel MV decreases the high frequencies as it is turned down whereas the Global MV is transparent.

Added USA MK V Red amp models.

Improved accuracy of USA JP IIC+ models.

Improved accuracy of TX Star models. Global MV controls have been added as the Channel MV in these amps affect the tone (and interacts with the Presence control).

Improved Stack/Hold behavior in Delay block. Note that if the Compander is enabled Stack/Hold is not available and will be disabled.

Improved handling of external word clock. If no clock is present unit will fall back to internal clock until a clock is detected.

Fixed attack behavior of Dynamicomp model to strong input signals. Default attack time also adjusted to match reference pedal.

Fixed wrong PI bias point in Class-A 30W models.

Fixed several mistakes in Div/13 CJ amp models.

Fixed several mistakes in Two Stone J35 models.

Fixed wrong phase inverter bias excursion parameters in Car Ambler model.

Various other fixes and improvements.
Is it normal that the AC30TB has twice the gain it used to have? Loading my go to patch (drive at 2.3ish which should be edge of breakup) sounds like it has a fuzz in front of the amp..! Can you check it? Thanks!
Is it normal that the AC30TB has twice the gain it used to have? Loading my go to patch (drive at 2.3ish which should be edge of breakup) sounds like it has a fuzz in front of the amp..! Can you check it? Thanks!
The gain is unchanged.
Is it normal that the AC30TB has twice the gain it used to have? Loading my go to patch (drive at 2.3ish which should be edge of breakup) sounds like it has a fuzz in front of the amp..! Can you check it? Thanks!

Had the same experience with the AC30TB, much more gain than before. Reverted to 23.05 and everything is back to normal. My default AC30 is a global amp, could this be related?

Are you guys setting input trim to 0.5 which, afaik (maybe I'm wrong), models the "TB / Low Input" mode?
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