Axe-Fx III Firmware 24.00 Public Beta #1

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Nba Jam Basket GIF
Just a friendly reminder that if you don't see a new feature within Axe-Edit, it's because as of this post, it hasn't been updated to match the firmware yet. Oh and of course to always RANF. (Really enjoying the extra reminder in the update window as well.)...
And don't forget to back up your presets and system/global blocks/FC files BEFORE you install the new firmware.
Wow! Thanks for looking into the recto1 and satch jvm Cliff! Genuinely amazed at how fast this got turned around. I'll get it installed later today.

One question - does recto2 also need the master volume change, or no?
SPDIF In/Out RCA cables.
Worked perfectly fine in 23.05
Hrmmmm. I'll let you know how I get on later today. I'm doing the same thing, but not with a Focusrite. It clocks from my Presonus Quantum; but I can also clock it from my Antelope Audio Discrete 8 Pro too.
Hrmmmm. I'll let you know how I get on later today. I'm doing the same thing, but not with a Focusrite. It clocks from my Presonus Quantum; but I can also clock it from my Antelope Audio Discrete 8 Pro too.
These are professional audio interfaces?
I'm using a consumer grade (ie. shitty) Focusrite interface, it didn't lose sync with any prior firmware with external SPDIF clock source. 🥺
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