Axe-FX II Ver 6.0 and the effects on the Human Psyche PART I Cover Bands

If the drummer and bass player could tone match themselves to each song too...

Slightly off topic....but cool:
I do know a pro drummer (who I won't name) who uses midi triggers (on a regular kit) to trigger Tom samples from his original (album) recordings.
So every song has the original (actual) Tom tones.
(still mics his kick and snare though).
What will we need to tone match or is it via USB?
You will be able to Tone match your own amps via several INPUTs (See CLiffs Tone Matching threads)
Guitar Tracks or Stems
Simply Tone match a recorded guitar track through the the USB. *Presses Easy Button*
Once Fractal releases the firmware you will get all the info you need.
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Do you think any artists will stop having just guitar parts in songs to stop tone matching?
Maybe even no longer releasing stems?

However in jest this was written, I feel like noting something; getting to be a pro in the music industry requires a level of talent, creativity and drive where one wouldn't need to spend two minutes worrying about this. People using these 1:1 copied sounds in their music probably aren't a real threat as far as competition goes.

I mean great, you have that Metallica / Rush / BB King / whatever tone down 100%. Guess what? You're still not them.

(Not directed at you ichorus, just jotted down a thought.)
However in jest this was written, I feel like noting something; getting to be a pro in the music industry requires a level of talent, creativity and drive where one wouldn't need to spend two minutes worrying about this. People using these 1:1 copied sounds in their music probably aren't a real threat as far as competition goes.

I mean great, you have that Metallica / Rush / BB King / whatever tone down 100%. Guess what? You're still not them.

(Not directed at you ichorus, just jotted down a thought.)

It was in jest. You make a good point, however you still won't see them sharing their presets whether it's AXE FX/POD/KEMPER/ELEVEN RACK, maybe because they are the ones that spent time on creating them or maybe because their tone is precious to them, but soon the people asking for them can just tone match them.
It was in jest. You make a good point, however you still won't see them sharing their presets whether it's AXE FX/POD/KEMPER/ELEVEN RACK, maybe because they are the ones that spent time on creating them or maybe because their tone is precious to them, but soon the people asking for them can just tone match them.
A couple of things;

1) Presets, not to mention recorded album sounds, often have more going on than can be replicated by any current, and likely any future "matching" technology.
2) It's one thing to copy a sound, whatever the tools used. It's another for someone to go out of their way to ensure others have the exact signal path they've crafted to their personal liking.

I imagine the thinking going thusly:

"Want to copy this legendary sound of mine? Go nuts, and good luck."
"I should hand you my sound on a silver platter, down to the nuts and bolts? Hmm.. maybe not just now."
A couple of things;

1) Presets, not to mention recorded album sounds, often have more going on than can be replicated by any current, and likely any future "matching" technology.
2) It's one thing to copy a sound, whatever the tools used. It's another for someone to go out of their way to ensure others have the exact signal path they've crafted to their personal liking.

I imagine the thinking going thusly:

"Want to copy this legendary sound of mine? Go nuts, and good luck."
"I should hand you my sound on a silver platter, down to the nuts and bolts? Hmm.. maybe not just now."

I am aware of this.
I've kinda lost my train of thought. Long day.
While I was reading your post Dojo... my mind was just translating the text as follows... kjoijfk j woij848482984 8*#*$+)* *$))*$U$JJ$ jjfj4fj... maybe once I have the translation protocols in 6.0, I'll be able to understand your lingo... ;)

Smoking that Pigweed...thats why.
Not really seeing myself use tone matching live, even if I'd manage to get the opther guitarist and the bass player to use an axe2 too. For the simpel reason that with not-so-much-matched drums, it could just endup being ridiculously...mismatched. Some studio drum tones are so ridiculous you can't hope tp achieve them with a minimal-not-rock-star-worth-tens-of-thousands-drum-recording-setup. Say, Metallica's black album drums. Having the album tone while the drummer sounds like a pack of tin cans won't work. If anything, it *will* make the drummer sound like a pack of tin cans.
While I'm definitely anticipating the new modeling moreso then the matching, it'll be fun to match some Beatles and Shadows tones; I've never really had the gear to replicate those tones until the Ultra/II but haven't gotten around to dialing them in yet...I always liked the tone on Aqualung too....hmmmm.....heh.
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From my standpoint, I'm not sure there's anyone who's going to be happier when 6.X gets here. It's like some sort of full-moon effect on this board in the days approaching a FW update.
... It's like some sort of full-moon effect on this board in the days approaching a FW update.

Yea, the evolution of the II is exciting and a just lot of fun; I'm playing the II/5.0.7 a lot these days (recording stuff) and have no complaints at all, but I do get a bit wound up about firmware releases that's for sure...
From my standpoint, I'm not sure there's anyone who's going to be happier when 6.X gets here. It's like some sort of full-moon effect on this board in the days approaching a FW update.
with all due respect, but I'm pretty sure a lot of people will be very happy. dialing in amps is a matter of minutes now. "dialing by eye" will make a lot of people who know the real amps very happy and all the reworked models are very spot on now. I've been happy with previous versions, but this one's different. it's really become like a locker room full of amps where not a lot of tweaking is required...
with all due respect, but I'm pretty sure a lot of people will be very happy. dialing in amps is a matter of minutes now. "dialing by eye" will make a lot of people who know the real amps very happy and all the reworked models are very spot on now. I've been happy with previous versions, but this one's different. it's really become like a locker room full of amps where not a lot of tweaking is required...

I could be wrong but I think Ron meant nobody will be happoer than he. Being that he has to monitor all us nutcases on here and the pre-release frenzy.
I guess what I'm excited about tone matching is there are a few amps like the Herbert that isn't on the list that i really want to have. I'm just really curious how that is all going to work. Now I assume that you have to have the guitar part that you're wanting to match playing only, or can it match the tone if say it's the guitar and drums going?
i am a pretty new user of the axe and actually did not buy it because of tone matching but because of the ability to create good sounds.
I am doing covers too, and it would never even come to my mind to try to imitate "sounds" of 20-30 years ago live. Just watch the improvements in PA sound systems. Especially instruments which take place tonaly strongly aside of the mid tub (frequency point of view) where the guitar is home benefit lots from this - much more than actually the guitar. I could never imaging in my wildest dreams being able of doing a black album sound on a sub 5000$ PA when I saw Metallica on their tour back 20 years ago. and today.... even much better sounds are possible in a small club environment.
So how can a cloned 20 year old guitar tone fit there ? Only If the FOH guy makes the hole band sound muddy just for that sake ot the originality of the guitar sound?

As I am doing FOH sometimes too, I must say I often even hated guitarists showing up to a cover band gig with modelers and heaps of "original" sounds on board. The problems always started imediatelly. Each song a different preset/sound is a real pain to control and to fit to the band. In most cases the different sounds did not fit together from each point of view. especially strongly varying levels are a big problem - if you mix the band first time you fear each next song to come because you dont know what to expect when the player hits the first note. I did not make a single good experience with this cloned tones.

but one more thing (which I think can be real usefull in cloning your own tone) I dont understand so far at all in the tone matching discussion,may be someone here can help me to understand. If I wanna clone a cd-tone I can imagine the procedure, but how to clone my old amp for example. what you get is in best case, with mathematically surgery and lots of fft calculations, a pure but MICED signal, no ?(since somehow you will have to record it) This means the microphone fingerprint (and this does tonely lots, watching some IR libraries) is strongly sticking on that sound. how can a tone matching feature get rid of this "carpet" not knowing which microphone colored that recording and reproduce the pure amp sound ? magic to me
can someone explain ?

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