Axe-Fx II Firmware Version 7.00 Public Beta

Gigging this I did the update....couldn't resist.

My presets still work, have to retweak volumes on some, besides that I guess the presets can stay as they are.
Not so much work to do for now.

And the overall sound? Just sooo awesome! Much better feeling, better control in my hands, tones more alive.
Thank you Cliff for putting it up as an early beta...this is to good to keep it any longer.
This beta came just in time before rehearsal tonight.
Resetting and playing around with my four global amps at home sounded very promising, but often things are different with the whole band.

This time not - sounds awesome! :) While v. 6 was a big step but not as intrusive, v. 7 is, but in a good manner IMHO. Especially the high gain sounds, wow... They're alot tighter, stronger with more cut yet balanced and with clear definition. I don't know what I may have done "suboptimal" before, but v. 7 took care of that - and that was just by resetting the amp types and slightly upping the presence and backing down mids on one of them.

BTW, everything else sounds better, too :) Didn't have the time to dig in deep, but just playing my old patches at rehearsal was a joy; the cleans, the reverb... I'm a happy guitarist right now even without fully adapting to v. 7
Plexi Normal just keeps getting better and better. That alone is worth the price of the upgrade. Oh, right....
I read somewhere amidst V7 posts that new banks are on the way. I for one, am really looking forward to starting a "new start" if you will with all the new goodies, and new banks.
Anyone seen a ETA on the banks ?
Couldn't hold out any longer so I went ahaead and di the update and the Axe Edit.
Like others have mentioned some of my Tone matched patches got completely hosed (only some of them though?)
but because I knew thaty may happen I had exported them out to a folder on my PC, I "re-auditioned them" from my pc and 'stored" them again into the same slot they were already in and voila back in business :)
I also noticed some of my cabs were off (by the number of positons of the new cabs added),
and some of my high gain patches suddenly got really hot (too hot) and a little more bass heavy
particularly my JVM OD1 patches and my USA Lead1 patches.
The 5150 red channel suddenly sounds much crisper (that's good)
tried the new Marshall super ----loving it :)
didn't get to try anything else as I wanted to see how much my patches were going to change
I must say for a Beta release this is pretty remarkable, but I am hearing some flub in the Mesa models
going to have to do some tweaking I guess.
Long time lurker here and I will venture to say this release seems like Axe-Fx III rather than V7.00 Bravo and thanks for the public beta!
Just upgraded to 7.00 beta and the dynamics and "feel" of all the stock presets are truly amazing. It's like the amps truly "sing" now.

One issue I've noticed, though, is right of the bat, using only stock presets, everything I've tried has a more muffled tone to it, much more so than stock presets were in 6.02. Not a complaint, just a data point.
One issue I've noticed, though, is right of the bat, using only stock presets, everything I've tried has a more muffled tone to it, much more so than stock presets were in 6.02. Not a complaint, just a data point.
I tend to agree concerning the lower strings and already found that on Cliff's Herbert demo. It's too mushy for me, no bite. Hopefully a simple adjustment (like fresh strings ;))

Have only played about an hour with it. Many of the high gain factory presets were immediate "high squeal city" (GT800FX driving Atomics in passive mode). Like earlier fw, it sounded again a tiny bit too bassy and mushier, but my above setup probably has to do with that as well.

The absence of dynamic maximum like I've experienced it on some vintage classic amps, does not seem there like I hoped it would be, but haven't played with parameters yet.

I do agree there's more magic polish and subtle interaction now, amps sounding more different and that for the first time it can really make you feel you're *that* big artist playing on stage :) (HBE) Seems any pickup position sounds warm & great now, even EMGs. Hopefully not *too* much varnish. So overall more than happy, but looking out for the new presets, better speakers or EQ mastery ;)
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Level down on Herbie 2. Some of the amps needs lowering, others Leeds, Divided 13 etc need more volum.

Agree Herbie -2 is too hot, and the Princetone 2, Divided by 13, and Suhr/Weasal could sue a little volume boost to come to parity at "neutral" with other amps.
But what a Firmware update! That new amp compression knob will helps get the extra 1-2% realism of tube amp cranked and what it does!
Just upgraded to 7.00 beta and the dynamics and "feel" of all the stock presets are truly amazing. It's like the amps truly "sing" now.

One issue I've noticed, though, is right of the bat, using only stock presets, everything I've tried has a more muffled tone to it, much more so than stock presets were in 6.02. Not a complaint, just a data point.

I think they will redo the presets to reflect the updated stuff. Try resetting the amp block and see if it is still muffled.
I got to say that the JCM800 seems to have got a real nice shot in the arm in 7.0
it's not an amp I'd usually go for.. but I'm really liking this..
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