Axe-Fx II Firmware 19.00 Public Beta

Really liking new drives, I actually felt the bb pre is much more like the one I owned, it had crazy output I had to keep the output below noon to keep from creating a huge boost in volume. The critic website says the bb has 30 do of output so that's a lot. I am also impressed with the tube driver, if you've ever had one it is a real fizzy pedal with the wrong amp, that's why Eric Johnson runs the treble off, the new G3 sounds just like I remember.
would def be cool to get some of these drive options in the Axe
+1. The idea of having all these different stomps captured in the Axe is pretty exciting. Not like Cliff seems to take much of a break but maybe he can just fit a few in between FW updates!

Just saw FAS response so scratch that!
Thanks guys but this thread wasn't started as a fuzz/drive/boost wishlist. It takes a long time and a lot of work to model amps and pedals and we have enough to keep us busy for many months.

I'm sure that is quite true, but then around Sept/Oct your going to be out of stuff to model......

Take a few weeks off ? Spend some time on the beach ? Go on a cruise ? Or start to work on all the random drive pedals people keep sending you ? Easy choice......

Just trying to look out for ya Cliff =) lol
Thanks guys but this thread wasn't started as a fuzz/drive/boost wishlist. It takes a long time and a lot of work to model amps and pedals and we have enough to keep us busy for many months.

yeah The Man... and a bunch of others are in my wish-list (ya know: The Cornish collection!)
ok... ok... take a breath... take your time...
and... give me the right hints... and I'll start the work for ya! :lol
Anyone else find the new drive blocks are really loud and that you have to turn the drive parameter way down?
hey Troopy, as ive understood the drive blocks are in beta and the ones that havent been g3'd have varying degrees of uneven loudness. They will be fixed and fine tuned as this firmware gets polished, but expect odd behavior until then.
Thanks guys but this thread wasn't started as a fuzz/drive/boost wishlist. It takes a long time and a lot of work to model amps and pedals and we have enough to keep us busy for many months.
That sounds promising in and of itself! The mind reels with anticipation. ;)
Anyone else find the new drive blocks are really loud and that you have to turn the drive parameter way down?

Yes. Release notes state the tapers haven't been set for many of the drive blocks so expect default tapers. This is beta.
All this technology you're (Cliff & and IR guys as well) creating/using to grant us the infinite amount of sounds we can achieve with the Axe is mind boggling. I'm curious as to the A/B process after a model has been shot, whether it be drive block, cab, amp, verb...How and when do you know is a model ready for release? Is it determined by a frequency graph, matching the model to the hardware? Are the models measured by listening as well? If so, how many pairs of ears are involved and what does the monitoring system involved? Was just wondering about your (Cliff) process and how you know a model is ready for prime time because I know I could learn something that would help my mixes. Also, has that monitoring/graphing process changed over the years? Harvard should start a TQM program all based on Cliff's practices. So grateful for the continuous improvements.
(Sorry, a bit off topic)
Dude I literally had the words "Want to borrow my dual fusion" written yesterday, but decided against sending it. I LOVE the blue (paisley drive) side.. it's the only pedal I haven't gotten rid of since I got the Fractal, can't quite replicate it. Not the worst thing in the world of course.. but gee that'd be nice.

Indeed, but see the post from Cliff above and let's respect and support our tone guru who gives us so much (I.e., let's not turn the thread into a wish list).

Besides, Cliff may be giving us a tool to sort of create our own version of the existing drive models. I.e, customize the G3 drives using, e.g., Clip Shape and Variable parameters, if I am understanding what he's done in FW 19 Beta. :)

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