Axe-Fx II Firmware 15.02 Released

15.02 is so awesome that I've decided to go back and re-reamp all the parts I've done already for this album I'm working on..

simply stunning...

Cool...out of curiosity, what version did you use on the existing tracks?

Yes, 15.02 is amazing...I try to play with different amp/cab combinations, explore the new parameters, etc. but just get stuck on one or two amp/cab combos for most of the session as I'm feeling the magic :shock
I don't recall there being a lot of discussion on it, but I have to say that I've noticed a huge improvement in my Fender clean presets (I use a bunch of them). I convinced myself that my mind was playing tricks on me, because I'm always looking for improvements when I upgrade. Then I went to rehearsal where my backup unit is still on 14 and it sounded weak. The cleans on v15 just seem so crisp and punchy to me. Please lie to me if I shouldn't be noticing a difference.
There's a problem with 15.02.

Every time I sit down to work on something four hours goes by and I haven't gotten a thing done. Matt calls it the "Advil Firmware" because your fingers are so sore the next day.
I've had that problem WAY before 15.02 came out... I used to literally have to force myself to not play the day before a gig or my fingertips would be really sore at the show.
After upgrading to FW 15.02 today, I took my rig to our practice hall and leveled the volumes on my 12 presets at gig volume, each with 6-8 scenes. I loaded up the Axe software on my work laptop to dial it in quicker. Sounds awesome! 2 hours went by kind of quick.
There's a problem with 15.02.

Every time I sit down to work on something four hours goes by and I haven't gotten a thing done. Matt calls it the "Advil Firmware" because your fingers are so sore the next day.

It should be called the "Viagra firmware". It sounds so good, my boner gets a boner!
Cool...out of curiosity, what version did you use on the existing tracks?

Yes, 15.02 is amazing...I try to play with different amp/cab combinations, explore the new parameters, etc. but just get stuck on one or two amp/cab combos for most of the session as I'm feeling the magic :shock

the previous tracks were on 14. I had a bit of a feeling that 15 was going to be a biggie so I knew I'd be going to this..
I finished my first song last night on 15.02 and that sealed the deal..
there's just no going back now..
There's a problem with 15.02.

Every time I sit down to work on something four hours goes by and I haven't gotten a thing done. Matt calls it the "Advil Firmware" because your fingers are so sore the next day.

totally… I know I've certainly 'leaked' away a few hours more than needed
but I was getting to know this FW's voice so I could lay down the best tracks for the album..
that's my excuse and I'm sticking to it.. lol..
I don't recall there being a lot of discussion on it, but I have to say that I've noticed a huge improvement in my Fender clean presets (I use a bunch of them). I convinced myself that my mind was playing tricks on me, because I'm always looking for improvements when I upgrade. Then I went to rehearsal where my backup unit is still on 14 and it sounded weak. The cleans on v15 just seem so crisp and punchy to me. Please lie to me if I shouldn't be noticing a difference.

Agreed. I use the double verb model quite often and I noticed exactly the same.
I've dialed in my 15.02 and loving it!
My missing key was a change in the Esoteric RCB volume I use for pre eq.
Thanks java!
And had to redo my doubleverbs a bit to get some punch back, they do sound good
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