Axe-Fx II and Pro Tools 9

I skimmed over the previous pages and didn't see this covered. If it was and I missed it, go ahead and flame me for my apathy. :)

I'm using PTHD 9 with an Avid 192 i/o. It's working great going digital in from Axe2 into PT with no problems, but I'd like to be able to just click on Axe Edit and jam around without having to run PT every time. Being that my monitors are running signal from the Avid 192, how can I set up my "set up" so I can just jam around with the Axe2 and Axe Edit w/o having to fire up PT?
In the past Digi has made it near impossible to use their hardware as an i/o without PT, but PT 9 is a new animal and I'm hoping I can now use their hardware as an interface even when not using PT.


...anyone? Hewo? No need to be so qwiet. It's not wabbit season!
yeah got my AxeII last night and am having troubles routing(USB) with PT9.03 and 002rack.I use the 002 for all audio routing to monitors.The test tone works,but no output from AxeII.
I know I can just plug Axe spdif to 002 spdif in for traditional DAW recording setup.All I really want is to be able to have the option of playing through monitors w/o opening PT.
but how to route axeIIusb>pc>002firewire>speakers???
Searched the DUC and FAS forum fyi:)
it sounds amazing through my Atomics BTW

Can someone please tell me how the Axe II needs to be set up in order to work with Pro Tools 9.0.3? I've been having nothing but problems i.e. error messages and constant noise and clicking. I've tried lowering the CPU usage limit in the in the Playback Engine dialog in PT down to 60% and still get the same noise. I also get an error stating "My audio device is configured with an unsupported buffer size..." There's no option in the Playback Engine dialog in PT for the "H/W Buffer Size" and I've tried every combination of Streaming and ASIO buffer size in the FASUSB Audio Class Driver Control Panel. What am I doing wrong? Many thanks in advance for any help anyone can give me.

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Hi, I'm having the same issue as Dolphin79 re: the unsupported buffer size message. Only just started playing around with the Axe-Fx II and PT 9 together so any help solving this much appreciated. (Didn't want my first post to be about a problem as I am currently in low gain heaven, never heard my guitar sound this clear before! Looking forward to getting it working with the DAW though)
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