Axe-FX II and MFC-101 - Initial Setup and Expression Pedal videos


Owner's Manual Reader
hey guys, so i spent a whole day recording and editing 2 videos that show how to setup the AxeII and the MFC for basic use as well as using Expression Pedals. the vids are 20 and 25 minutes, so it's definitely a lot of talking, but i think it's important to understand the reasoning behind the concepts and not just showing "press this button then this one." the axe and mfc are very flexible so if you understand what's going on, you can more easily adjust things for yourself later.

the videos are on my blog at

Axe-FX II & MFC-101 – Initial Setup | Katsu Kuri Media Blog


MFC-101 & Axe-FX II – Setting up Expression Pedals | Katsu Kuri Media Blog

i posted this in the AxeII forum mostly because it's a setup guide specifically for AxeII. i'm using a CAT5 and Expansion Port on the MFC and Axe FX Mode.

if you've subscribed to my old channel, you won't be seeing these videos because i've split up that channel into 3 based on various topics. many didn't like subscribing for the axefx, then seeing photography or video game videos. my new channel for music is, so feel free to subscribe there as i hope to continue making videos for the axe fx. it's definitely time consuming!

Added Bonus!!! - Maybe i'll do a short vid showing this part later, but once you set your expression pedals, I'd suggest going to I/O - MIDI and scrolling down to EXT CTRL 1 INIT VAL. This stands for External Controller 1 Initial Value. Your options are 0% or 100% and there's one for each of the 12 External Controllers.

Let's say you have your MFC and expression pedals plugged in. The Axe knows to set External 1 control to where ever the pedal is. But let's say you then go somewhere and play the axe without your MFC plugged in. If EXT CTRL 1 is a volume block control, you'll get no sound because External Controller 1's Initial Value is 0%!!!

Change this to 100% for each controller you use (if appropriate) and instead of being at 0% with no pedal present, it will be at 100% and you'll have full sound. I remember when FA added this back in the Ultra days and it was amazing!
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I learned more watching your video, than I would have reading the manual.
For all of us visual learner types, that really simplified it.
Well done!! For newbies they will save hours of research and frustration and these vids will be invaluable!

Not too wordy at all. You explainations and delivery are great. Bravo!
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I just finished watching the first one, Chris. You've brought it down to a very simple and logical level. A pleasure to watch.

Question: At what point,if at all, do you hit SAVE?
once you change a setting in a menu, when you press the Exit button (same as the edit button) it automatically saves the change. i actually think the only way NOT to save is to power down the MFC while it's still in the menu.
Thanks for the video, well done! We hope there will be more videos like this! all the best!
Wow, great work and a obviously a lot of time invested. In seeing you provide so much support to users in the forum, it's impressive that you use your business talents here as well. Definitely appreciate your commitment here, Chris. This is as thorough as some instructional DVDs I've seen available commercially.
Very nice job Chris. This will definitely help new and even experienced users. I wish something like this existed when I incorporated the MFC into my setup. Thanks for taking the time!
made the mistake of sitting through your videos...
thought i was doing fine with my ground control pro.
now you got me all hot and bothered gassing for the mfc.
will this want for more gear ever stop?!

and oh yeah, those are some awesome instructions by the way.
Fantastic job, very easy to understand and much appreciated! Your Global Blocks video was also extremely useful!

I need help configuring Mission pedals with a switch.

AXE II, MFC-101, all current on firmware. I have a Boss FV-500L assigned to CC 16 and in EP-1 on the MFC, dedicated to great. SP-2 in MFC EP-2 assigned to CC 17 for Wah, works great, but I am not taking advantage of the switch. SP1-LF modified to an SP-1, assigned to CC 18 in MFC EP-3 to Tremolo speed, works great, but not using the switch on this one either.

I just can't figure out how to assign the switch on the SP-2 and SP-1. I really want to set it up like Scott Peterson has.
Hi Chris,

Thank you for taking the time. Both of the videos posted above are invaluable. If they're not up on the "wiki wall," I would try to find out how to get them there. Really well done, sir!

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