Axe FX II Ad!

So we've got a visual MIMIC type thing going on here?

I have to admit that I saw it last night and thought...."nice picture, but what's the point" and then I read a bit and realized that this was modeled. A model of a modeler. Got to love it.
There's kind of a beautiful symmetry in making a digital model that's difficult to distinguish from a photo, of a piece of hardware that runs digital models of amps that are difficult to distinguish from real ones. Nicely done!
Amazing work!
@ the beginning I thought it’s a real pic with some editing.
I got a new wall paper. ;)
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Thank you guys for all your encouraging comments, doing this 3D models comfort me while i get enough money to actually buy it. I could get an used ultra now, but the extra $$$ is very well justified for me.

So, here is an updated model and i will leave it like this for now, i have to get ready for today and tomorrow gigs.

To be 100% exact, the two jack ports and the power switch hole have the same 1.5mm 45° bevel as the display... :geek

not that it would mean anything to the sound though...
Do you want them modeled from blocks or from cylinders? :eagerness:

Something like this:


Very very very cool work - so, you measured and wireframed all the component structures manually by hand in the software? Or did you start with some pictures and outlined the controls from that?

Regardless - this is very impressive work. I have a friend who is a building designer, and he has shown me some pictures of his concept designs that I would SWEAR are real and already built. However, I have seen the level of work that he does behind the scenes to get to that stage and it is very awesome indeed.
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