Axe-FX frying PC monitors??

Any speakers on your desk with big magnets?
Not sure what kind of monitor you're using, but I remember CRT monitors acting flakey if they were around large magnets.

Just more it would suck to fry a 3rd monitor, I would be trying to eliminate any variables you can.

Yeah, the only thing that's changed in well over a year is the addition of the Axe - I didn't even move plugs around, I keep it all neat. That's definitely the only variable, which is why it's suspect that it (allegedly!) fried both the old, reliable monitor and my more recent (and also reliable) monitor, same position, same amount of time.

The speaker I use with the Axe is on the corner of that table, but quite far away, and has been for months so I suspect that's not it. Also all LED LCD, no CRT here. Oh well, I just won't use this set up for my 3rd monitor. Thanks again for your contributions, BBN :)
Mang, I just can't see it being the Axe thats doing it.

For the first two-and-a-half years that I owned my Axe II, I not only had the Axe on my desk with my two monitors, but actually had one of them sitting atop of the Axe.

I've had the Axe atop a 4X12 for some time now, but both monitors(LCD) are still going strong.
I've had my MacBook Pro on top of my Axe FX II everyday since I picked it up in June 2011... Now it's on top of the XL...
There are like 546 virtual speakers in the Axe! All those magnets will fry any monitor that is close. My toaster has been stuck to my Axe since I put one in the kitchen!

Good point well made
So, I read this and thought to myself, self, maybe my Axe-fx II can actual fry an egg. That is nothing compared to an entire monitor. So, I popped a shell open on top of the box. Damn, does anyone know how to get egg jiz out of the encoders ??

The bile rises.

As to the original post. This is weird in a way hard to describe. The Axe blew my monitor? Where will it stop? The Axe destroyed: my Jeep tires, my self worth, the basement carpet, the cat's silky coat, world peace, the sewer line, my hairline, interrupted the tides.

And I've had to soak my balls in 4 inches of tepid bath water because of the cursed box.

That's all I've got in a brain dump.

The bile rises.

As to the original post. This is weird in a way hard to describe. The Axe blew my monitor? Where will it stop? The Axe destroyed: my Jeep tires, my self worth, the basement carpet, the cat's silky coat, world peace, the sewer line, my hairline, interrupted the tides.

And I've had to soak my balls in 4 inches of tepid bath water because of the cursed box.

That's all I've got in a brain dump.


Well, it's weird in so much as anything new is weird. To my experience, I bought an item, put it near my monitor (screen), and my monitor bricked. "Hmm", I thought. I brought out my previous monitor (which still works fine), put it in the same position (touching the rear of the AF2) and within a similar window of time it bricked in the same manner - both otherwise reliable monitors.

I asked this to see if people had any similar experiences (one did), and asked Cliff if there's anything he might know about that might help me understand it. He just trolled, but that's fine as I expect he had no actual answer and I don't blame him.

I'm not into psuedoscience or anything of that nature, so I was wondering if there was an electrical possibility. Doesn't seem likely and no one thinks it's likely (and Cliff didn't comment), so I'm writing it off. In all, I simply won't repeat the scenario and will move on, and not waste any more time on it.

There, un-weird enough for you? :D
Well, I guess we were all having fun, but I'll go serious for a second.

I work in IT, and if 2 monitors fried in 2 days, it's not about the proximity of a box that doesn't exude any significant electromagnetic fields to cook hapless monitors. It's about your power and maybe the age of your monitors. Whether your cable, your house/apt feed, or an odd burst from your PC that the video card is going (although I've heard of's so rare I hesitate to offer that one up.)

I don't see Cliff (or me) as trolling, but please step up with a sense of humor about it, as many of us who are in this *type* of business are seeing this as 1. A phenomenal amount of bad luck. Or 2. Something much more elemental than something that requires a connection through a PC. The USB connection, power supply, and motherboard would go long before it got to a monitor.

Thanks for the serious reply, and I'll point out I put up with 50 replies of mocking (including yours) that wasn't actually very funny to wade through for actual answers to an actual question. I'm all for satire, but I do like it to be funny. :D
I'm fairly up on IT myself. As I said, we have excellent power here, I haven't experienced a surge or brownout/blackout in years. My monitors are reliable and I care for my electrical goods well, I experience very few failures - I can't even remember any. I built my PC myself to a high-standard, it has powered multiple monitors through multiple scenarios and there's nothing special about the current one except the addition of the Axe-FX 2. I pointed out (twice now?) that I don't think the Axe could have this effect, but my experience through elimination is that it possibly has, as no other variable changed. I've never lost a monitor, let alone two in this very specific manner. I've already pinned it to chance and moved on. No need to talk-down - if you genuinely consider Cliff's reply to be anything but trolling, fair enough - but I don't. And it's fine because his comment was particularly funny; the shame is most weren't.

Anyway as I said, I consider the case closed and simply won't repeat the situation.

(Oh, and also of note: the monitor death started in the same way, where pixels suddenly started lightening slowly until they appears to be at pitch white, and that's it. Bears no semblance to any power issue I could think of or have heard of. At least now they double as pretty effective lamps!)
Can you imagine the news if people neglected their kids over the Axe, like some do with World of Warcraft?
The real question is...does he have the 'brown note' hidden somewhere, so that when you use just the right combination of effects/amps, it causes everyone to shit themselves, everywhere, and on everybody!
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