Axe-Fx Firmware Version 21.00 Release Candidate (Beta 7)

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I use this example all the time. You wouldn't believe how many people - even experts - get fooled. As soon as you get some information (price, brand, looks,...) your brain will use it and you will be influenced. The proof was there in the video when they did the test with the crappy McIntosh amp.

I joked earlier in this thread that if Fractal stood up a Fractal Reference Tone Library™ – actual baseline "reference" tones (whatever that means) – can you imagine the forum sh*t show that would spawn? OMG. Pandemonium. It's a recipe for endless flame wars. I'm just saying: perception.

I'm listening to that video now, at the part where Poppy is talking. The example just before that was hilarious.
Possible BUG?

Purchased @Marco Fanton 's MF6160 preset from his site today, realised I needed to move up to FX 21 to use it and updated.

Switching the clean amp 2 to Shiver Clean consistently freezes the Axe FX with maxed out outputs.

Obviously can't include the preset here but its unmodified from Marco's download.
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Possible BUG?

Purchased Marco's MF6160 preset from his site today, realised I needed to move up to FX 21 to use it and updated.

Switching the clean amp 2 to Shiver Clean consistently freezes the Axe FX with maxed out outputs.

Obviously can't include the preset here but its unmodified from Marco's download.
Known issue - has been reported a few times in this thread already.

I think it's a pretty recent preset and it does actually specify beta firmware but that's totally fine by me. Possibly an older beta - dunno.

It will doubtless get fixed real soon and above all it is an excellent preset (if you steer clear of the Shiva for the time being.... :D )

Oh interesting. I never thought any commercial preset would be based on a beta; my mistake. Then he should totally start specifying which beta. To complicate things further, he might even be part of the internal betas that people like Leon receive, and those might be different enough from any public release to make a difference.
Oh interesting. I never thought any commercial preset would be based on a beta; my mistake. Then he should totally start specifying which beta. To complicate things further, he might even be part of the internal betas that people like Leon receive, and those might be different enough from any public release to make a difference.
If it is a beta preset, then a comment in the MF preset thread would be the best place to call this issue..

Back to farts people 🤘😅

[Kidding.. its friday , the day that sometimes makes miracles come true 🙌]
I'm just going to say that this was a very reasonable assumption. I don't even overwrite my OWN presets until the final release. Couldn't imagine mass-distributing a paid product from a beta...
Sometimes I put on my store presets for public beta version, especially when it is interesting for the new features, this is reported on the preset description.
In this case I developed the preset with 21 beta 4
When the official version is released I check the preset again and send the new update automatically to every user
I do this every time the new firmware affects the sound, or I give some new features or to fix bugs.
In the upgrade communication I always suggest to backup previous preset.
Sometimes I put on my store presets for public beta version, especially when it is interesting for the new features, this is reported on the preset description.
In this case I developed the preset with 21 beta 4
When the official version is released I check the preset again and send the new update automatically to every user
I do this every time the new firmware affects the sound, or I give some new features or to fix bugs.
In the upgrade communication I always suggest to backup previous preset.

My comment probably sounded snarkier than intended. It was more meant to be a positive on how fast Fractal turns out betas (and may quickly "outdate" a preset from a beta) than anything negative toward you. Apologies if it came across that way -- was poorly framed and probably did!
I don't know if you can model that pedal, its fucking whacky as hell… half the time it sounds “broken”, self oscillates and all sorts of weird shit happening…
I have done a preset for it in the axe and it is really close already.
Also line 6 got one in the helix and it is very well done.
I owned the original, yes they are feedbacks if you don’t turn the gate knob, this may hard to reproduce, but for the rest it is clearly possible
I use my zvex sim here. To do this I have experiment a little bit in the axe, but the result is cool I think
I wished this pedal since the beginning of the 3, now that Bellamy quit kemper for the axe, who knows… maybe Cliff can do it 😉. But he needs to do an ISP first 🤣

Maybe this is what happened with this beta he got a solid tip of where the ISP guy is hiding out
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