Axe-Fx Firmware Version 21.00 Public Beta (Beta 1)

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Dont know, i ´ve removed a lot of bass cut in the cab blocks, only a few amps need it now. Compared to how it was, it is very different now.

Every amps needs to be checked manually one by one.

Also it depends if there is an od as boost as it remove some bass, and irs, and tastes and… 🙃
Dont know, i ´ve removed a lot of bass cut in the cab blocks, only a few amps need it now. Compared to how it was, it is very different now.

Every amp needs to be checked manually one by one.

Also it depends if there is an od as boost as it remove some bass, and irs, and tastes and… 🙃
I've only tried my recto2 preset so far and it still needs low cut
Yes jp7 love :)
Ah it is really the jp7?

Man this guitar always fucked up my settings. This is the only guitar where I need to tweak a little bit my presets before playing with it.
The output is so so so much powerful . I have screwed the pickups as far as possible but it remains too close in my opinion. But this guitar kick ass through my JP2c and my past boogies. You have the tone from DT train of thought album immediately with a boogie.

So ok, I understand why you still need a cut with it. I have played with recto with my « regulars » 6 strings , and they need nothing . The sound is heavy and not boomy
Seems like the Input EQ on my amp blocks has been reset? My HBE C45 preset has a lot more low-end than it used to, but after inspecting the Input EQ tab I realized it has much less flubby low-end than it should with a low-cut of 60hz (I usually have it up in the 300-400hz range for the Friedmans).
Yeah, I saw that "interview". There are literally hundreds of papers on modeling transformer behavior. The most common techniques are the Frohlich and Jiles-Atherton models. I have my own algorithm that's more CPU efficient.
And, I think we are seeing the long-term benefit of Cliff's component-wise simulation versus a black-box ML approach. Even if some components started with a "basic" model, they are able to be improved over time and benefit each and every amp model. Improve the virtual capacitor, tube, transformer, etc. over time and we get to releases like this! This is a platform for continuous improvement with a high degree of predictability.
I can’t recall a single recording I’ve been involved in where we didn’t cut low end from a guitar track using actual amps.

There are so many variables involved in that that there’s not really a one-size-fits-all answer or solution to it. Change the IR and all of a sudden ya don’t need a bass cut any more, change the room the cab is in and you don’t need as much bass removed, move the mic 1/4” and there’s too much bass, etc.

There’s no, one standard that can be applied across all our listening environments, tonal preferences/choices/, ears, methods of getting tones, etc.
I can’t recall a single recording I’ve been involved in where we didn’t cut low end from a guitar track using actual amps.

There are so many variables involved in that that there’s not really a one-size-fits-all answer or solution to it. Change the IR and all of a sudden ya don’t need a bass cut any more, change the room the cab is in and you don’t need as much bass removed, move the mic 1/4” and there’s too much bass, etc.

There’s no, one standard that can be applied across all our listening environments, tonal preferences/choices/, ears, methods of getting tones, etc.
THIS! Recording engineers usually do the majority of the tone tweaking by changing mics, mic placement, using different cabs, different rooms etc. To the point that post EQ is hardly required.
Just want to check if this expected behaviour...? On the IIC+, turning the presence all the way done makes the headroom meter to go half way. Increasing the presence ever so slightly to 0.33 and then further up to maximum makes the headroom meter empty.

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Interesting all this Plexi talk (I love them btw).

I remember the first time I plugged into one and absolutely dimed it.

As others have said - scary, scary loud. Made my Jubilee stack sound like a small practice amp - you’ve not heard volume like it.

But also - a fuzzy mess, not what I expected at all and made me realise you need to learn these amps at that volume - and that’s not easy to do
The trick to plexis (and high-wattage tube amps in general) is to learn them in a large enough room (or outdoors). Glorious business. Also how a great Twin shines.
I think quite a few of us on here have hearing impairments and that includes me too. Mostly volume related but also damage from a particularly virulent ear infection years ago.

Despite this I find that what I can't always hear in the neverending updates can often have a discernible improvement in the feel.
I‘ll take my bit of deafness anyday, over listening to these glorious Fractal sounds through in-ears. And don’t bother with the lectures… I also love my carbon footprint.
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