Axe-Fx Firmware Version 21.00 Public Beta #3 (Beta 3)

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I was going to wait for the official release, but I can wait no longer. Going to install this right now.
I'm sorry and also you're welcome.

Group hug, everyone.

I'm with the rectifier amp actually, now you can turn the low cut back to zero in the cab and the sound remains tight ! That's really cool ! Time to play now . I wont remove the cuts now, it's boring af, it's better to play . in the end it doesnt really matter to let them even if it is useless for most .
This update is pretty odd :( very thin sounding loss a lot of that fullness and blending with backing tracks - my latest presets I made sound very thin with no body

Any ideas what I should go after first to get them to sound as they did before - tweaked bunch stuff better but not turn key as it was
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