Axe Fx Arrives Today!!!


New Member
My Axe Fx will be coming today and my head is about to explode!!
Borrowing some KRK's to get started. Still deciding between going the powered monitors route or a power amp and stereo cab.

Thanks to all members of the forums for their advice and examples.
Especially to Mark Day for his helpful (and kick-ass) You Tube videos.
Congrats! I remember that excitement right before mine showed up. It's awesome. Just be sure you don't pee yourself with excitement when it finally gets there. You don't want to short anything out and electrocute yourself. ;)
Make sure that you eat well today before going home and don't have anything intense scheduled for work tomorrow because sleep is going to be pretty limited.
Congrats!!! Mine is expecting end of feb or maybe march. Please please, have mercy on the ones that are still waiting and give us a review of your first impressions!!!

If you don't hear anything at first - plug it in and push the 'power' switch.

I'm here to help.
@ dodo - Good advice from a forum guru!
Any chance there is a car lighter power adapter for the Axe? I kinda wanna play it on the ride home!
It does play by the power of thought.

That's normally not disclosed but as it's arriving today then it should be fine

Just download thought.syx

*taps nose*
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