Axe FX 2 with wireless

Hi! I'm going to buy a new Axe FX 2 to replace my Ultra, but I've a question:
what is the best connection between wireless output (Shure SLX) and Axe input? Is better front input or can I use also the rear input 1 without any changes?
Sorry for the slightly OT, but I was wondering if there is a wireless system capable of sending both piezo and mag signals. My guitar has a stereo output and I hate cables running through my feet, but I think that I need to use 2 wireless systems to be able to send both mag and piezo to the axe.
Also, which wireless system would you recommend? I wouldn't like to lose any sound quality by using wireless...
Again sorry for hijacking this thread, if you feel my question is completely OT, please delete it...
Sorry for the slightly OT, but I was wondering if there is a wireless system capable of sending both piezo and mag signals. My guitar has a stereo output and I hate cables running through my feet, but I think that I need to use 2 wireless systems to be able to send both mag and piezo to the axe.
Also, which wireless system would you recommend? I wouldn't like to lose any sound quality by using wireless...
Again sorry for hijacking this thread, if you feel my question is completely OT, please delete it...

Unless your blending piezo with your electric, why not just use a Y cable?
I already use a Y cable, I was wondering if there is a wireless system sending out 2 signals (1 for piezo and 1 for mag output) to the axe (or amp).
I'd like to get rid of all the cables.
I used a wireless with my ultra, you want to use the front input, the back doesn't work as well.

Off topic, what kind of wireless are you using to send two signals? Or are you using two separate units?
That's what I'm saying, I'm trying to find a wireless that can send 2 signals so that I can get rid of the Y cable I need to use now. I know it's doable using 2 wireless units but I don't plan spending so much money for 2 wireless units...
You're not going to find a wireless unit like that. You'd have to use 2 separate units and an A/B/Y box.

I have piezo systems on my Music Man guitars, and use a mono cable from the blended output on the guitar. These guitars also have a switch to select piezo or magnetic, so that's not an issue for me. If your guitar has a switch as well, I would recommend using this method. It's the easiest way I've found. Then you only need one wireless system.
Well, my guitar has a stereo output in which I plug the Y cable (stereo to 2 monos) and from there I go to the axe (with 2 mono cables).
I also have a 3-way switch to select either piezo, mag or both. So basically, I need to send a stereo signal to the axe.
If I use a mono cable, I would only be able to use either the mag or the piezo (TS not TRS) isn't that right?
I've never heard of a wireless that will allow you to send two signals, you'll need two wireless units. The only way to accomplish it with one is to wire both the piezo and mag pickups to a switch on your guitar hooked to mono output jack, the catch is you will only be able to use one or the other, no independent signals. If you find a wireless that will let you send a stereo signal let me know cause I know some people that would love to have the same thing you're talking about but to my knowledge it doesn't exist.
I already use a Y cable, I was wondering if there is a wireless system sending out 2 signals (1 for piezo and 1 for mag output) to the axe (or amp).
I'd like to get rid of all the cables.

No no no, your missing my point - are you blending both signals at the same time? If not you can have a Y cable made for your wireless pack that way you can use a regular wireless and access both electronic and piezo inputs.
Why doesn't the rear input work as well as the front! If this was a problem with the Ultra, has it not been addressed with the II?
Sorry for the slightly OT, but I was wondering if there is a wireless system capable of sending both piezo and mag signals. My guitar has a stereo output and I hate cables running through my feet, but I think that I need to use 2 wireless systems to be able to send both mag and piezo to the axe.
Also, which wireless system would you recommend? I wouldn't like to lose any sound quality by using wireless...
Again sorry for hijacking this thread, if you feel my question is completely OT, please delete it...

I use two Line6 Relay G50's. One for mags and one for piezo's. Works great, sounds great and nothing to trip on. I don't miss a cable at all.....serious. Now just need wireless 13pin and I'm set :)
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