Axe Fx 2 Smooth Jazz Tone - Stel Andre

I spent ages recently constructing a jazzy type patch. I'd love to try yours to compare. Are you going to post this. I'd love it if you did.
Perfect Stel!

Just the right amount of bite with a soulful sprinkling of muted notes - so much for anyone having difficulties coaxing a "dirty clean" out of their magic box!

Post the preset?

And what IR are you using?
I'm so happy that youy guys like it! Well as far as the patch now. I use the following. I use 2 amps. Amp1 is a Plexi 50W Jump and this is where I get some kind of a slight attack. Now the amp2 is where the jazzy thingy takes place. Cause I use a Class-A 30W TB. For cab sim I use, CabL 4X12 1960A G12M (RW), and CabR 2X12 BRIT. I'm really newbie on controlling this beast so I'm still learning! So, I'm sorry if I can't explain more tech stuff!
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