Axe Edit Issues


Anyone using this on Mac with AxeFx Ultra? Seem like drag and drop doesn't work properly, keystrokes don't work, moving presets around seems to work randomly. Not sure if I can bother with this thing much longer. Any suggestions or tips greatly appreciated.
Sorry to say, but we realized a big problem with that whole older Axe-Edit version.
I do agree that you'd be better off without it. I'm tempted to remove it from the web site entirely.

For Axe-Edit 3.0, which unfortunately in your case is for the Axe-Fx II only, we re-coded Axe-Edit from the ground up. It is now solid as a rock, reliable, and far easier to use.
For me, that's the best reason to save up for an Axe-Fx II if that's at all an option. There are a lot of Gen 1 and Mark II units on eBay now as the XL takes off with current owners.
Sorry to say, but we realized a big problem with that whole older Axe-Edit version.
I do agree that you'd be better off without it. I'm tempted to remove it from the web site entirely.

For Axe-Edit 3.0, which unfortunately in your case is for the Axe-Fx II only, we re-coded Axe-Edit from the ground up. It is now solid as a rock, reliable, and far easier to use.
For me, that's the best reason to save up for an Axe-Fx II if that's at all an option. There are a lot of Gen 1 and Mark II units on eBay now as the XL takes off with current owners.

Well at least I know it's not me ;)

Going to take a bit of saving to make that jump as I'd likely just go for the XL. Thanks for the info, much appreciated.
Well at least I know it's not me ;)

Going to take a bit of saving to make that jump as I'd likely just go for the XL. Thanks for the info, much appreciated.
Meanwhile. AE v0.1.191 is the best working version for Std/Ultra.. it is fairly stable.
You can get it from the the link in my sig below
I go back and forth with the version I use...sometimes its stable and rock solid, and other times it closes every time I try to edit a modifire using my mouse scroll wheel, lol......

only a minor nuisance...and its not all the time....but I feel ya...I'm totally happy with my Gen 1 Ultra...and for what I get paid at gigs, really can't justify spending ANOTHER $2400 on a II as my Gen 1 still works great the editor is just an added bonus...
I go back and forth with the version I use...sometimes its stable and rock solid, and other times it closes every time I try to edit a modifire using my mouse scroll wheel, lol......

only a minor nuisance...and its not all the time....but I feel ya...I'm totally happy with my Gen 1 Ultra...and for what I get paid at gigs, really can't justify spending ANOTHER $2400 on a II as my Gen 1 still works great the editor is just an added bonus...

I had a couple of fractal presets just disappear when I was using the editor leaving blank slots. Fortunately they weren't mine. Axe-Edit is a nice bonus for sure, so much easier to tweak patches when it decides to cooperate.
My Ultra had been sitting idle for a while and I've just gotten back into using it and it's sounding great. I have one guitar I'm selling so maybe I'll offset the cost of a new AxeFx II with that ;)
Meanwhile. AE v0.1.191 is the best working version for Std/Ultra.. it is fairly stable.
You can get it from the the link in my sig below

Thanks for the link. I'll try that out.

Turns out 2 of my patches did vanish... AAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!! :(
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yeah, I get that once in awhile...always make sure to backup the bank file....might have to reload and redo some edits, but way better than starting from scratch...
Does anything ever work with Apple?......PITA!!!

Axe edit 0.1.191 + Ultra + Windows = Rock solid,i have had zero issue's.

Which is why he recommended that version in the post above. I was using the current Legacy version on the website which, as indicated above, which they are considering taking down because of known issues. None of it has anything to do with Apple. I've also been using computers at home since the PET, so I have fairly extensive experience with a very wide variety of home computers, and as such I can safely say my decision to run a Mac was well informed. So please don't turn this into an Apple vs Windows. I have nothing against Windows and I'm sure I'll get around to trying it again one day. Thanks :)
Which is why he recommended that version in the post above. I was using the current Legacy version on the website which, as indicated above, which they are considering taking down because of known issues. None of it has anything to do with Apple. I've also been using computers at home since the PET, so I have fairly extensive experience with a very wide variety of home computers, and as such I can safely say my decision to run a Mac was well informed. So please don't turn this into an Apple vs Windows. I have nothing against Windows and I'm sure I'll get around to trying it again one day. Thanks :)
I was'nt.
To be honest, I have never tried AE on a Mac.. have plenty of Apple devices at home (Mac's, ipad's, Iphones) but have always used Windoze for all things Fractal. The v191 build was the last one where anything Std/Ultra was updated, so newer builds have AF2 functions embedded that cause some of the reported instability. Again, can't speak for the Mac side, but 191 on XP and Win7x64 was rock solid for me over MIDI (UNO and Anniv 2x2 green) prior to moving to the AF2.
I just downloaded 191 from the link above and it still doesn't communicate properly. only controllers navigate axe from my win7. Also tuner comes up on both edit and axe when i control it from edit. Why is that? Edit says that it's not connected...? I recently change computer updated everything but AE doesn't work like before on my laptop. Any thoughts?
New user ...Hey everyone

Just picked up an Ultra today...wanted to use the editor

Im a MAC owner...are you saying not to bother?

Im getting buyers remorse already.
New user ...Hey everyone

Just picked up an Ultra today...wanted to use the editor

Im a MAC owner...are you saying not to bother?

Im getting buyers remorse already.

That seems to be the case. I don't like the idea of losing that functionality vs the new units. Yes, you can do it in the little green window, but that's a far cry from using a lovely GUI on your desktop. So much easier to tweak setting and make new presets. If I was in a situation where I had to do a bunch of new presets in a hurry it's much much easier to do so on the Axe-Edit vs little green box. If it's in a road case or something you may find yourself sitting on the floor or removing the AxeFx to more easily access it. I realize there are only limited resources to dedicate to something like Axe-edit, but to lose that convenience and functionality is frustrating. It's not like we're talking about a decades old PCM 70 or something that never had that functionality in the first place. Buying a new unit to get functioning software isn't really an option for everyone, and its quite an expensive one at that.
Yes - they have effectively dropped support for the Ultra.

Buyer's remorse?.. Agreed. I experienced that when they released the AxeFxII.... cold... within a month of my Ultra purchase.

Great equipment but brutal business strategy.
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