Axe Edit 3.3.0 Available

I am not connected to the internet here, except via android (which I use to download firmware updates, vsts and stuff ). On the axe edit 3.3 page I am clicking on the link but nothing is happening. Is the file temporarily not available, or is it my android?
Ok, let's see the forest for the trees. Regardless of whether it's for performance or not, I agree that they wouldn't overlook this. The request is for working around that issue and making the user's workflow a little easier by pausing the communication automatically when the window is in the background.

I support the request. I would have let it be but thought felt it was being shot down prematurely b/c it wasn't useful to someone else.

Grape...I don't know for sure of course, But I like to believe that FAS makes up their own minds on stuff like this. so I think it's OK for a couple this way and a couple that way---FAS will do what they can and what's right. Don't you think?
I am not connected to the internet here, except via android (which I use to download firmware updates, vsts and stuff ). On the axe edit 3.3 page I am clicking on the link but nothing is happening. Is the file temporarily not available, or is it my android?

I had to launch AE and it told me about the update and asked me to download. I never did get alink-as of &pm EST anyway.
Thank you Michael it's an amazing update !. now everything is classified better, to me this version can helps a lot Axe-Edit users for making a preset easier and faster and better than before !.
Don't remember...Did we always have the option to set the "amount" of saturation like we do now? I really like it, if I missed it before shame on me.
I had to launch AE and it told me about the update and asked me to download. I never did get alink-as of &pm EST anyway.

Thanks much! Turns out my android Firefox was / is not showing the download activity like it normally does. Navigated to the folder and had 20 copies, Lol. 3.3 is working smoothly.
Don't remember...Did we always have the option to set the "amount" of saturation like we do now? I really like it, if I missed it before shame on me.


Michael, Matt and I spent a few days rearranging the parameter placement because we felt things weren't arranged as logically as they could be. It's not perfect but it's much better than it was IMO.
I agree. The workflow is so much smoother when dialing in patches. Thank you guys for all your hard work.
love the new melted face:mrgreen

I laughed when I noticed it.

Grape...I don't know for sure of course, But I like to believe that FAS makes up their own minds on stuff like this. so I think it's OK for a couple this way and a couple that way---FAS will do what they can and what's right. Don't you think?

If someone were to ask for a feature that I didn't care about, I wouldn't come on here and tell them I don't need it and to just use a workaround. That's just rude. And of course Fractal will make up their own minds but voting for features usually helps. For all we know, it's an easy thing to implement. I mean jeez, the pause button got there in the first place based on user feedback of the glitches:

"Axe-Edit relies on intensive two-way communication which can cause audio gaps or stutters while using a connected MIDI foot
controller. The PAUSE COMMUNCIATIONS feature, available through an icon in the upper left corner or in the Settings menu,
puts Axe-Edit on hold so you can test performance without glitches." AxeEdit Manual

"6. Pause can now be activated with the “F8” key. " 3.0.10 release notes

This request is simply to make it easier - even easier than pressing the F8 which apparently they deemed necessary to include beyond the pause button. And it's not a nit either. If your workflow is like the original requester, you would want Axe-Edit to pause automatically in the background. It IS a pain. Other apps do it for the same reason.
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