AXE-EDIT 3.0 - ERROR message (not communicating)

When you say "upload a clean system bank", what exactly does that mean?

If it means reload the three banks of presets, I tried that and it didn't work either.
When you say "upload a clean system bank", what exactly does that mean?

If it means reload the three banks of presets, I tried that and it didn't work either.

No, the system bank is "bank D" (roughly said), while the preset banks are A, B & C (128 patches each, adding up to the total 384 patch memory locations available).
It contains all the non-patch-specific settings, global blocks, and first 50 user cabs.
The fw 10 clean system bank is available at
Perhaps Fractal Audio/M@ will make the fw 11 clean system bank available for download.
look it in the firmware section of the software link in my sig.
clean bank and system available John.
Thanks s0c9. Not sure if I'll need it when I update after todays gig, but saved a copy just in case!
I had the same problem... Before upgrading to fw11 I was on 10.06 and I realised I had cab issues because I couldn't perform any sort of backup with Fractal Bot; I went hunting for the FW10 system clean file, I uploaded it and then I was able to finally back up all of my patches.
After installing the 1.67 usb driver and upgrading to FW11 and Axe Edit 3 I reuploaded some cabs with AxeCabManager but at some point, while uploading an IR into the 8th cab slot, the Axe wouldn't respond anymore... so I powered it down and closed cab manager.
After uploading the last IR I opened Axe Edit 3 up in order to start setting my patches again but I would get every few minutes the time-out issue; I tried changing cable and swapping usb drivers but that didn't do anything.
This morning I found in the Troubleshooting guide the FW11 system clean and after uploading it and uploading with Fractal Bot my cabs I haven't had any kind of issue, everything is working fine... so, from my experience, it appears to be Cab related: that failed upload with axecabmanager I mentioned earlier did something wrong and clearing the cabs sorted everything out (not that I hold the programmer responsible for the issue - that software is great; I wasn't even using the last release so it might be because I didn't update or something just went pear shaped because of my bad luck :p).
So, I'm pretty sure a good system clean will definitely help! :)
Same here. Apparentely there is some kind of bug? I already post my problem in another thread, (sorry for that) but it seems it's a common thing since this last update...
I'm a complete new Axe FX user and have to learn a lot, but I realy hope someone can help and find a sollution for this, because I can't use Axe-edit at all (same "time out" message all the time)
Hey guys, ran into the same exact problem and these are my steps to how I fixed the problem for Windows 7.

-"Axe-Fx II Firmware Version 11.0"
-"Axe-Fx II USB Setup ( 168 )" for Windows (updated Aug 13, 2013)
-"Axe-Edit 3.00" for Windows

Next I downloaded a "system reset file", in the link; below there is a "Clean system data file for firmware 11" SYX file, which I also downloaded.
Warning, before uploading this file into your Axe-Fx 2, you should save EVERYTHING, this is also the most crucial part of fixing the problem (at least for me).

Now because you can't send these files to the Axe-Fx 2 via Axe-Edit because you can't connect to it...
I downloaded the Fractal-Bot to upload the files.

FIRST, backup all your presets, cab IRS, and any other settings before uploading the system reset file.
1) Install "Axe-Fx II USB Setup ( 168 ) for Windows" (updated Aug 13, 2013)
2) Upload "Clean system data file for firmware 11" SYX file via Fractal-Bot
3) Upload "Axe-Fx II Firmware Version 11.0" file via Fractal-Bot
4) Install "Axe-Edit 3.00"

Now you should be finished! After installing Axe-Edit 3.0, you should be able to run it and it should connect to your Axe-Fx 2!

Hopefully that helps...
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