Axe-Edit 3.0.10 for firmware 15!

Admin M@

Fractal Audio Systems

Axe-Edit 3.0.10 featuring full compatibility with Axe-Fx II Firmware 15 has been released on our web site.
We think this is a great update with new features and fixes. Enjoy!




1. Full support for Axe-Fx II firmware 15 for the Axe-Fx II original, Mark II, and XL.

a. Added ability to bypass the Mixer block when connected to an XL.
b. Added “Power Amp Bias” parameter to the Amp block's Power tab.
c. Changed Amp block parameter "Damping" to "Negative Feedback".
d. Added "Output Comp" and "Comp Threshold" to the Amp block's Dynamics page.
e. Removed Amp block "Thunk" parameter.
f. Moved "XFormer Match" and "XFormer Drive" from Dynamics page to Speaker page.
g. Removed "Comp" from Basic page as it already appears as "Cathode Thresh" on Dynamics page.

2."Export..." function in Axe-Manage allows you to to export one or more selected presets or cabs. Exporting a single item displays a dialog allowing you to edit the file name. Exporting multiple items asks you to choose a directory/folder where presets or cabs are then saved using auto-generated names.

3.Global Blocks can now be unlinked when exporting or taking a snapshot of a preset. There are two separate "Unlink Global Blocks" options located in Preferences:Options. One option allows Global Blocks to be unlinked when Exporting presets (this includes exporting presets from the Export button, from the Preset menu, saving a preset as a Template, and exporting presets from Axe-Manage.) The other option allows Global Blocks to be unlinked automatically when taking a Snapshot of a preset. Note that Axe-Manage will require you to SAVE changes before it can export presets, as these must be loaded individually in the Axe-Fx where global blocks can be unlinked.

4.Added a new option in Preferences to allow “picker” windows to search by the number field. For example, entering “50” would return Preset numbers 50, 150, 250, etc., plus any preset with “50” in its name (e.g. “My 50W Plexi Rig”). This feature is ON by default.

5.The case (UPPER/lower) of User Cabs is no longer displayed in “Title Case” (as it is for Factory Cabs, Amp Names, Effect Types, etc.) User Cab names are instead displayed precisely as they were created.

6.Pause can now be activated with the “F8” key.

7.Added an option in Preferences to disable tool tips.

8.User Cabs dropped into Axe-Manage are now checked to determine if it they are empty before attempting to parse the name from the data. If the Cab IR is found to be empty, then "EMPTY" is used in place of the cab name.


1. When a Shunt is moved it is now deleted and a new one is inserted at the new location.

2.Swap now removes and then reinserts the swapped blocks. This prevents an "Insufficient CPU%" warning when attempting to swap a CPU intensive block. All modifiers and settings are retained.

3.Block context menu (right-CTRL-Click) edit items include the word “Block” (Cut Block, Copy Block, etc.)

4.Renamed "Bright" on the Amp block Basic page to "Bright Switch" and "Brightness" on the Tone page to "Bright" (to match the hardware.)

5.Disabled Grid and Effect Editor shortcut keys when any of the Mode dialogs are visible.

6.Improved how grid block states are displayed when a modifier is attached to BYPASS MODE.

7.Fixed a crash that occurred when the application was exited while the Cab block's picker window or Amp block's type picker windows was shown.

8.Modified Axe-Edit to disconnect from selected ports if the connected device does not have the correct firmware version or is not the correct device. (Previous versions would simply quit when this happened.)

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Matt this is excellent to have axe edit so quickly after new knobs and buttons are added in the box itself.

Sent from my SCH-I605 using Tapatalk
Yes people, this is also a great update!

The return of the possibility to export multiple presets, with or without linked global blocks.
Option to disable tool tips if these get in the way.
A shortcut key for Pause.
And several bug fixes.
Thanks for the 'tool tips' option, Matt & Company, that was driving me crazy... well just a little. But nice work as usual!
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