AXE-Change - the AXE-FX Patch Paradise

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Just a few suggestions that I think would make useful additions to the current functionality of the axechange site:

A: A standardized/obligatory format for all the entries including at least the following fields:
- Name of the patch
- Modelled after (own creation, band/song)
- Type of sound (acoustic, clean, crunch, higain)
- Built for use with (guitar amp+cab, FRFR)
- Guitar used (Les Paul, Strat, Superstrat, Tele, other)
- PU used (Piezo, Single Coil, Humbucker)
- Short description of the patch

B: A rating system (with a positive and a negative pole). The number of availlable patches will eventually grow to a point where this kind of orientation might come in handy.

C: A "leave a comment" function

D: A download counter

What do you guys think? said:
Just a few suggestions that I think would make useful additions to the current functionality of the axechange site:

A: A standardized/obligatory format for all the entries including at least the following fields:
- Name of the patch
- Modelled after (own creation, band/song)
- Type of sound (acoustic, clean, crunch, higain)
- Built for use with (guitar amp+cab, FRFR)
- Guitar used (Les Paul, Strat, Superstrat, Tele, other)
- PU used (Piezo, Single Coil, Humbucker)
- Short description of the patch

B: A rating system (with a positive and a negative pole). The number of availlable patches will eventually grow to a point where this kind of orientation might come in handy.

C: A "leave a comment" function

D: A download counter

What do you guys think?

I would like to see this info as well! Also I might add which update version the patch was made in?
E. make firmware version a required field, and update the dropdown (currently lists "Older than 4.0" and "4.0.x" :lol: )
ElectricPhase said:
E. make firmware version a required field, and update the dropdown (currently lists "Older than 4.0" and "4.0.x" :lol: )

Yeah, a lot of the patches are not good anymore because of the firmware updates. I don't remeber which ones I gone back and fixed, but a lot are messed up.
there needs to be categories... ie: cab ir's, stomp box's, wahs, etc... possibly genera of music (blues, rock, metal).
I'd like to see this patch exchange become more robust than Line6's - without all of the junk.

One idea is to maybe let "authors" solicit donations via Pay Pal. Then use the forum to try to reinforce the idea of contributions being made to patch authors if you really dig what they've done and find the patch usable. So I guess a simple "Donate to this Author if you like what they do" button with the patch would be great.

In theory, this will foster more useful and updated patches. But it will also still be a free exchange site so if some guys don't have the extra coin, that's okay too. But frankly, if you can afford a $2k guitar processor then I think $5 here or $10 there for really cool patches you like shouldn't be a big deal.

Just a thought. We can encourage people to put patches up there gratis - but I think we'll continue to see sparse participation, reluctance by those that spent weeks getting certain sounds to share, and little motivation to keep the patches updated. I'm not sure of any other way to do it.

Just a thought...
hdtv4me said:
I'd like to see this patch exchange become more robust than Line6's - without all of the junk.

One idea is to maybe let "authors" solicit donations via Pay Pal. Then use the forum to try to reinforce the idea of contributions being made to patch authors if you really dig what they've done and find the patch usable. So I guess a simple "Donate to this Author if you like what they do" button with the patch would be great.

In theory, this will foster more useful and updated patches. But it will also still be a free exchange site so if some guys don't have the extra coin, that's okay too. But frankly, if you can afford a $2k guitar processor then I think $5 here or $10 there for really cool patches you like shouldn't be a big deal.

Just a thought. We can encourage people to put patches up there gratis - but I think we'll continue to see sparse participation, reluctance by those that spent weeks getting certain sounds to share, and little motivation to keep the patches updated. I'm not sure of any other way to do it.

Just a thought...

I've been reading through a lot of books about amps and effects to try to get a handle on what all the advanced controls do, so as to help me get the tones I want. It's slow going and my ears aren't as good (if they every were) anymore.

I'm old school (late sixties, early seventies) plug and play kinda guy. Dropped out for thirty years. Everything has changed. So, I for one would be more than happy to pay someone for some starter patches. I'll keep learning, but at the rate I'm going, I'll be too old play anymore when I find it :)

Most interested in the Gary Moore (still got the blues) tones. and settings used. Regards, Windoor
Here’s my 2 cents worth...tho with the failing economy and the strong Chinese Renminbi it’s only worth 1 cent or less...

I definitely think the patch exchanges should remain free...

But again...that's only my 2 cents worth...and as I am new here I certainly don't presume to have the cheek to offend some of the veterans.
I def. will not see any members of our forum here selling their patches for money -
this is an free forum where people help other people - everyone should profit from
that community and i for myself hate people who only take and don´t give, this are
parasites and i will not pay one cent for an patch from someone who get his knowledge
how to create that patch from our community here.......!
Question regarding posting a patch that uses custom IRs.

The patch I want to post needs them, and they're not already on Axechange.

I contacted the person whose name is in the readme that came with the IR's and they
indicated to me that they'd have no problem with me posting them on Axechange.

Should I post these IR's separately from my patch, or should I archive the patch and the IR's together in a zipfile so that any downloaders get everything?

claudel said:
Question regarding posting a patch that uses custom IRs.

The patch I want to post needs them, and they're not already on Axechange.

I contacted the person whose name is in the readme that came with the IR's and they
indicated to me that they'd have no problem with me posting them on Axechange.

Should I post these IR's separately from my patch, or should I archive the patch and the IR's together in a zipfile so that any downloaders get everything?


I upload the IR's the axechange individually.
Does Axechange somehow automagically generate a routing diagram, or do I need to upload a screen shot?

TIA again...
Keep 'em separate and just reference the IR in your patch description. Some people might want one without the other.
I`ve got my AXE FX yesterday, and I`m happy with it - BUT - as a newbie, I`ve made a mistake: by accident / hitting a knob I shouldn`t, I uploaded 9 presets to, that I´ve downloaded before, without changing them...

now it looks like, that it`s me , who is the author, but of course, that`s NOT

sorry guys for that, maybe the real authors could overwrite this ?

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