AX8 Global Blocks

yeah, as i stated in another thread, not having them is a deal breaker for me. for instance, i use a global block for my DC30 and it's cab on all my praise and worship presets (getting close to 100 of them now), when there's a modeling change or theres a new ir i want to try out if i like whatever tweaks i make, i hit save and it saves across all 100 presets. no way i'm going in and recalling settings on a block for each preset over and over.
Man I feel you on this. I really hope cliff adds them. Even if he did 5 blocks instead of 10 I can work with that
As said I'm right there with you guys. Question for a possible workaround for me. So I tend to place a copy of my basic preset all over the place so I always have access to it. It contains global blocks so these changes of course go to each one. Is there any way to map presets on the AX8 so that I can always choose preset 1 in any bank? (or whatever number my basic patch is) For example I'm on preset 20 and I'd like to still quickly access preset 1? I know I could definitely do this with my liquid foot via midi.
Not a deal breaker, but certainly a feature that will be missed.
I generally use the same amp and cab for all my presets and link them via global blocks so any tweaks during rehearsal is saved across all presets.
It seemed like you were asking for an official response from Fractal on the status of global blocks on the AX8.

To spell it out: in another AX8 thread, a new user was asking "what's a global block" and Admin M@ responded with "Exactly". He may have just been having a snarky moment, but it implies that global blocks may be an advanced feature destined to remain on the more advanced Axe FX II.
Well they have global assignments for the footswitches, per preset. So I don't think it's such a stretch for FAS to add global blocks. But it won't be tomorrow...but I think it's coming...just an opinion of course.
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