AX8 connection to Mixer


Hey guys,

I'm very newbie here, recently got my 1st Fractal product and still learning how to use and understand it.

So I bought myself a Yamaha AG03 to connect and record as many of you suggest in this board.

The problem is I can't use Yamaha as interface to record through my DAW: Reaper, no sound at all even I choose the Setting for Yamaha Asio driver..

I read the manual on Yamaha website and follow all instruction , still no success

I connect Ax8 from 1/4" Right out to 2G input from the Yamaha

Also for clean patch, I heard very nice clean crispy sound but switch to Lead or distortion, the sound I heard from headphone is very noisy and lots of crack, high output... not sure if it make any sense,

So if anybody use Ax8 with Yamaha AG03, can you please share the setup ? How you connect from Ax8 to the mixer ? if possible can you please share the picture of your cable connection ?

Thanks a ton..
connect Ax8 from 1/4" Right out to 2G input from the Yamaha

Also for clean patch, I heard very nice clean crispy sound but switch to Lead or distortion, the sound I heard from headphone is very noisy and lots of crack, high output... not sure if it make any sense,

You're clipping the Yamaha input.

You should plug into the the "keyboard" Line level inputs 2L/Mono and 3R. The 2G input is an instrument input for plugging your guitar directly in. The output of the AX8 is much much hotter than a straight guitar signal.

You can probably push down the "Gain" switch to the "low" setting and crank up the Output 1 level knob on the top panel of your AX8. That's good gain staging and a recipe for success.
You're clipping the Yamaha input.

You should plug into the the "keyboard" Line level inputs 2L/Mono and 3R. The 2G input is an instrument input for plugging your guitar directly in. The output of the AX8 is much much hotter than a straight guitar signal.

You can probably push down the "Gain" switch to the "low" setting and crank up the Output 1 level knob on the top panel of your AX8. That's good gain staging and a recipe for success.

thanks so much guys for quick reply, much appreciate.

so basically i need to plug cable like this :

1/4" out 1 : L+R to Yamaha both input 2 and 3, push Gain to Low setting and push a bit Output 1 level knob ? I'm still hearing a lot of noise and crack, I used Brift Floyd preset Comfortably numb and sound very hot and tons of gain...

Another question is How you record with Yamaha AG ? My DAWN recoginise the driver YAMAHA ASIO but when I click recording in Reaper, no signal at all :(

Thanks again, very noob question
Do you see any red "clip" lights turning on as you play? Look on the AX8 and the Yamaha. If nothing is turning red, nothing is clipping and that's possibly just how the preset sounds.

I don't know anything about Reaper or Windows. It sounds like you need to select the Yamaha as the soundcard within Reaper, and probably also select the input on the channel you've armed for recording. My guess is that it defaults to Input 1.
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