AX8 Ableton


Good Morning, I am new here but just wanted to share my experience so far with the AX8. I used it this past Sunday for worship and it sounds great! I also run the click and backing tracks with a Looptimus through Ableton. The AX8 I messed around with and was able to sync with MIDI through the USB to Ableton so my delays etc are synced to the tempo of each song. It was much simpler than I thought, I figured I would have to find a way to send midi from my interface through the regular midi port and then figure out how to get the bpm sent through that to the AX with the right CC message etc. but it was as easy as USB plugin, select it in the Ableton midi menu and check sync, then when I triggered next song, it synced tempo instantly. I still have a lot to learn on which effects beyond midi, like trem etc that I want or don't want to sync, but looking forward to figuring that out. I also like being able to use axe edit during practice since I already have my laptop up and hooked to it. Is there anything I should beware of using axe edit and using the AX8 stomp pedals? Say I keep axe edit open and continue playing using the AX itself but make tweaks as needed to the ax edit? I noticed that the lights etc don't always sync with what effect is on or off if you trigger it from ax edit, and I don't want to lock the unit up. Any advice on that would be greatly appreciated.

It's best to pause AX8-Edit while you're actually performing. You'll experience lag/latency with footswitching and expression pedals otherwise.

Were you able to trigger Ableton scenes with MIDI PCs from the AX8?
Good Morning, I am new here but just wanted to share my experience so far with the AX8. I used it this past Sunday for worship and it sounds great! I also run the click and backing tracks with a Looptimus through Ableton. The AX8 I messed around with and was able to sync with MIDI through the USB to Ableton so my delays etc are synced to the tempo of each song. It was much simpler than I thought, I figured I would have to find a way to send midi from my interface through the regular midi port and then figure out how to get the bpm sent through that to the AX with the right CC message etc. but it was as easy as USB plugin, select it in the Ableton midi menu and check sync, then when I triggered next song, it synced tempo instantly. I still have a lot to learn on which effects beyond midi, like trem etc that I want or don't want to sync, but looking forward to figuring that out. I also like being able to use axe edit during practice since I already have my laptop up and hooked to it. Is there anything I should beware of using axe edit and using the AX8 stomp pedals? Say I keep axe edit open and continue playing using the AX itself but make tweaks as needed to the ax edit? I noticed that the lights etc don't always sync with what effect is on or off if you trigger it from ax edit, and I don't want to lock the unit up. Any advice on that would be greatly appreciated.

Axe edit during practice is fine, but I wouldn't use it in performance. It will lag and glitch with it open. Just close it down. If you absolutely need to use it, you can change things in between songs, but remember to hit the "pause" button before a song.
It's best to pause AX8-Edit while you're actually performing. You'll experience lag/latency with footswitching and expression pedals otherwise.

Were you able to trigger Ableton scenes with MIDI PCs from the AX8?
No I did not trigger anything from the AX8, I use another controller for that. It was my understanding that the AX8 didn't send any MIDI so I haven't looked at doing that from it.
No I did not trigger anything from the AX8, I use another controller for that. It was my understanding that the AX8 didn't send any MIDI so I haven't looked at doing that from it.

You can send a MIDI PC per each scene. I just wasn't sure if Ableton "scenes" and clips in Session view can respond to PCs. It would be awesome if we could also send CCs.
You can send a MIDI PC per each scene. I just wasn't sure if Ableton "scenes" and clips in Session view can respond to PCs. It would be awesome if we could also send CCs.
I will look into that on the PC's. Right now I trigger my scenes by a note send on a Looptimus controller. I wasn't able to get Ableton to trigger via a PC before but since it worked by note I just went that way. Ableton is so advanced I bet you can trigger scene by PC, just never dug deep enough to figure it out.
I will look into that on the PC's. Right now I trigger my scenes by a note send on a Looptimus controller. I wasn't able to get Ableton to trigger via a PC before but since it worked by note I just went that way. Ableton is so advanced I bet you can trigger scene by PC, just never dug deep enough to figure it out.

Hey, I have a Looptimus as well! Pricey little controller but the pad feature is really cool. I'm just trying to consolidate workflow.
Hey, I have a Looptimus as well! Pricey little controller but the pad feature is really cool. I'm just trying to consolidate workflow.
I love it, I also use the expression pedal for my Ableton pad volumes. I use the Fishman Triple play for midi control of my pads, but I am not extremely happy with it yet, too many stuck notes, I have to watch it constantly and then disable and reenable the pad channel really fast to keep it seamless, and I use omnisphere for most of my pads in Ableton. Like you, trying to consolidate workflow constantly haha.
Hey, I have a Looptimus as well! Pricey little controller but the pad feature is really cool. I'm just trying to consolidate workflow.
How's things Philip - I just ordered a board like yours to put all my pedals on. Can't wait for this afternoon to get here so I can start putting it all on.
How's things Philip - I just ordered a board like yours to put all my pedals on. Can't wait for this afternoon to get here so I can start putting it all on.

Awesome sauce. I was in Europe for a month and then busy playing catch up at work, so my board is feeling neglected. I've had enough time to try the new firmware, that's about it.
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