Auto off at 5% and 95%


Power User
With the new features in the Flanger and up coming phaser, it seems like when controlling the sweep of these fx and others of course), it would be great to be able to have it turn off at toe down and heel down on the same controller. That way you could be toe down and have it engage and sweep down and then turn off at heel down. Then auto engage and sweep up when you go back to toe down.
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This could be done with a bypass modifier instead of auto-engage. Set start-mid-end around 48-100-48.
This is fantastic!! Works like a charm. For those of you who want to do the ol' Unchained sweep down and sweep up manually with an expression pedal, here are the settings for controllers on the Flanger block that work for me.
Capture 1.JPGCapture.JPG
It's pretty close with the settings I posted. Could probably tweak it a bit to get it closer, but try it yourself. It's easy to set up.
That is the one I can't get right, but I'll give it a go.

Do I put the flange block before the amp block?
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