Auto Engage in Scene 1 on x aktivates y when bypassed in Scene 2 [SOLVED]


Can anyone recreate the following behavior. (I hope it's not ment to be or technically not unavoidable)

I.E. Pitch Control-Knob is conected to Pedal Extern1. When "auto Engage" on Pitch1x is used in Scene 1, then moving the Pedal in Scene 2 aktivates the bypassed Pitch1 although it's was set to y and external controll over Extern1 Pedal was deleted.

Thanks for feedback
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I believe modifiers are assigned on a preset basis. I don't think scenes save anything modifier related, only bypass state, x/y state, preset level, and it toggles scene controllers. If a modifier is assigned to a given parameter in a block I think it takes effect in all scenes. An alternative might be to use a different block, i.e. pitch 2, which would have its own set of parameters.
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Modifiers stick across X/Y states. So if it is assigned in X, it will be in Y. What you can do for Y is turn the mix to 0%.
Auto Engage on Block1 x in Scene 1 aktivates Block1 y when bypassed in Scene 2

As mentioned above, modifiers work by preset so retain values across x/y and scenes. I wish modifiers could be disabled by x/y or scene to make these features more flexible.
Okay, thanks for the feedback. I'll try to find a workaround in my particular case, but maybe there isn't one, because I have Pritch2 already in use.

But generally spoken it's good to know that with the x/y function it isn't always like you have 4 separate i.e. Amps (often said so).

I think especially with controllers its important, that they affect both x/y states, when you would like to keep a fixed value in one of them.
In some situation that’s huge!

I.e. if you use Extern1 to control the “Input Drive” for a clean tone Amp in Amp1x (to get from clean to hairy tone (let’s say start value 1 to End 5)) than you have to be clear that you will automatically kill your high gain Lead tone in Amp1y (which you just want to use fix and together with a pedal controlled WahWah), because you also ran the “Input Drive” from 1 to 5 while moving your "Wah-Pedal".

Maybe all of that was already clear for most of you, but for me it is kind of a surprise (always thought of 4 separate Amps). But hey no big deal, sometimes the 2nd Block is not taken and besides that I don’t have to do everything inside of ONE single preset.
Okay, thanks for the feedback. I'll try to find a workaround in my particular case, but maybe there isn't one, because I have Pritch2 already in use.

But generally spoken it's good to know that with the x/y function it isn't always like you have 4 separate i.e. Amps (often said so).

I think especially with controllers its important, that they affect both x/y states, when you would like to keep a fixed value in one of them.
In some situation that’s huge!

I.e. if you use Extern1 to control the “Input Drive” for a clean tone Amp in Amp1x (to get from clean to hairy tone (let’s say start value 1 to End 5)) than you have to be clear that you will automatically kill your high gain Lead tone in Amp1y (which you just want to use fix and together with a pedal controlled WahWah), because you also ran the “Input Drive” from 1 to 5 while moving your "Wah-Pedal".

Maybe all of that was already clear for most of you, but for me it is kind of a surprise (always thought of 4 separate Amps). But hey no big deal, sometimes the 2nd Block is not taken and besides that I don’t have to do everything inside of ONE single preset.

The solution for your particular problem can be achieved by setting the mix in pitch1 Y state to 0%. Then it will not matter if it auto-engages.
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