Atomic CLR's on sale 899

Bought 2 Active -2010s brand new both died both 'repaired' both died a month later collecting dust ever since. Stable electric in my house and never left my studio. 2 New Active CLRs OG. All died, all repaired all died shortly after sitting dead... Great sound but cheapo parts. Tom is nice guy but... so am I. Disappointing probably should have gone passive. That's why there is a waste basket icon next to the crossed out CLR on my signature. Don't know if I have the strength to go to support again. it's exhausting.
If you have dead ones, I am interested in purchasing if you’re willing to sell (provided the price is right).
Got a notice that it's the final week of the winter sale and an additional 100$ off the 899$ sale price for a stereo pair. I pulled the trigger.

My original pair still work but one is slightly noisy sometimes. A month or so after getting them 10+ years now? One of the amps stopped working, Tom called me personally and sent a replacement amp section, he even offered to talk me through switching it out, but I managed (sent the old one back).

Ultimate wish is to have a lightweight stereo version with 2 10" neodymium speakers in one compact cab.

Whatever happened to the Jay Mitchell project (smaller option) he announced a few years ago?
Open them up and make sure all connections are snug. But it sounds like what happened to me on the very early non NEO versions on one of mine. The dreaded crappy built capacitors on the power board. I sent the board in and they sent me another. No problems since. I hope they will do the same for you. I use guitar synths and backing tracks, so these speakers are the best for me.
I have a pair purchased in 2013 or 2014 (non NEO). One of them had a buzz that would occur intermittently, I figured it was the jack as they seem a little flimsy. They rarely get moved or leave the house. A couple weeks ago, the one in question had zero output, the heat seek didn't warm up....took it to someone that works on amps and he said most all of the guts were sub-par. He is doing some soldering and replacing inner cables, I should have it back this weekend. I may take the other one to him, although it is (currently) working fine. I have been more than happy with the sound, especially in stereo but don't plan in buying others as this is now just a hobby and not making any $$ musically. Just an FYI if you are having this type of problem.
Both of my CLRs have been broken for 2.5 years and have previously been repaired. After waiting for 1.5 years for responses and promises, I finally received RMA tickets to ship the amp blocks back for repair.

I sent the amp blocks to Tom in July last summer, and we are now approaching the one-year anniversary. Each time I was able to contact him, he assured me that the amp blocks were on the bench and would be repaired and returned as soon as possible. However, despite these assurances, months have passed with no progress. His reasons for the delays included the release of a new product and attending NAMM, resulting in further delays and unfulfilled promises.

Recently, there has been no response from Tom. The last communication I received from him was in early April. I have now requested that the amp blocks be returned to me, even if unfixed, so that I can attempt to have them repaired locally.

Unfortunately, I have yet to receive a response to this request.

Edit: I just received an updated info from Tom today on my phone that I missed. The amps are repaired and will be sent out on Monday.
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Edit: I just received an updated info from Tom today on my phone that I missed. The amps are repaired and will be sent out on Monday.
So yes I got a text from that Monday (Jun 3rd) , that my amps are fixed and I need to confirm my address and he will send back the tracking info for shipping. I sent him my new address then, which he "liked" in the text.
... and not a word since and my amps are still not here. I sent him a polite text yesterday, if he needed anything else from me to get my amps shipped. Not a word.

Would it be illegal if we start betting if @levipeto will receive his repaired amps in the next say 30 days? Or maybe just a poll? 😀
Let's be fair and count it form when he said they were fixed. That would give him an extra 4 days.
So we are at day 16 and open for betting :D
I sent my amps to him on 24th of July 23'. I wonder if we make it in a year! :D
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So yes I got a text from that Monday (Jun 3rd) , that my amps are fixed and I need to confirm my address and he will send back the tracking info for shipping. I sent him my new address then, which he "liked" in the text.
... and not a word since and my amps are still not here. I sent him a polite text yesterday, if he needed anything else from me to get my amps shipped. Not a word.

Let's be fair and count it form when he said they were fixed. That would give him an extra 4 days.
So we are day 16 and open for betting :D

I sent my amps to him on 24th of July 23'. I wonder if we make it in a year! :D
I'd bet the farm on the zilch pony. It's so dumb it's come to this, and sad.
So far it seems like finally they got fixed and shipped with 2 years of extended warranty. They suppose to be here on Tuesday, right on the 30th day XD.
I will make sure they work and if they do I will put them on sale!
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