Are the effects algorithms the same Ultra vs Standard?


I know the Ultra has more memory and faster processor as well as more effects but are the models and effects they share the same? In other words, is one units reverb the same as the others?
FractalAudio said:
No. The Ultra has a better reverb algorithm and better pitch shifter.

That's definitely not well known on other forums is it ? ;) It will be now.
So what else is different besides the processor, memory and different effects? Are there other effects that excel on the Ultra over the Standard?
FractalAudio said:
No. The Ultra has a better reverb algorithm and better pitch shifter.

Well then the reverb on the Ultra must just be unbelievable, because the reverb on the standard is by far the best I've ever had :cool: . The pitch shifter aint too shabby either
That's the only difference in effects.

The Ultra reverb has an additional diffuser stage. The Ultra pitch shifter has local pitch detection with a polyphonic mode. The pitch algorithms are identical but the pitch detection in the Ultra is better. The biggest advantage to the pitch detection in the Ultra is realized when using pitch feedback effects.
FractalAudio said:
That's the only difference in effects.

The Ultra reverb has an additional diffuser stage. The Ultra pitch shifter has local pitch detection with a polyphonic mode. The pitch algorithms are identical but the pitch detection in the Ultra is better. The biggest advantage to the pitch detection in the Ultra is realized when using pitch feedback effects.

I'm sorry, zentman can't reply as he hung himself when he found out the Ultra had better verbs. This is Mrs Zentman. BTW, are you available?
zentman said:
FractalAudio said:
That's the only difference in effects.

I'm sorry, zentman can't reply as he hung himself when he found out the Ultra had better verbs. This is Mrs Zentman. BTW, are you available?

Mrs. Z. you do realize that all the talk about the Axe in your house would be nothing compared to Cliff's right?
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