Anyone use Sirius XM?

It's not great but it beats dealing with a gazillion commercials and DJ's who insist on talking over the beginning and end of songs.

Contemporary DJs are under the delusion that the ability to talk over a song until the appearance of the vocals is some kind of skill. In Vegas, one station actually talks over the intro of The Spirit of Radio until Geddy sings "Begin the day with a friendly voice...". Same for More than a Feeling, and countless other iconic classic rock songs. It's pathetic.

That, combined with the ads and the fact that they edit/shorten songs (to make time for even more ads) makes radio unlistenable to me.
For me, it sounds better in my car than the other sources. So on my system it is "better".

That doesn't mean technically Sirius isn't more or less lossy than other codecs / transmission types. It just means my particular radio sounds better on Sirius than other sources.

Even CD?
I have a 32GB mini USB 2.0 plugged into the radio. Its about 70% full. Put it on random shuffle and let it ride. Also, having a mini USB 2.0 stick keeps the USB out of the way because its damn near flat mount.

Also, no commercials or DJs haha

Same. Got rid of my XM
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