Anyone know how to produce these sounds?

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Previous handle "Djenter"
Really looking for a way, to get that main lead sound as heard on the first track of this album and other tracks too. This sound is more than just reverb. There's something going on 'in' the actual sound. Would anyone care to kindly advise or take a crack at it? If it's about money, set a price.
Wouldn't mind having the rhythm sound too. That's a some sound.
But if there is a price or a plan to implement one then the rule is that only the creator and myself the payer are allowed to own the sound. That would be the policy. For obvious reasons.

I think the lead sound have a tons of reverb and is double by a voice and a tons of reverb too.
So the two melting together and give the impression of only one track.

Or maybe, you can try to have a lead track send to two buses : One with heavy reverb, the second one with long delay + reverb.
If you want me to test it, send me a DM with a lead track and an other track with the rest of the music (A Google Drive Link for example)
Sounds like a fuckton of reverb and delay. There’s almost a chorus sound creeping in at times but I suspect that’s the changing pitch of the guitar mixed with the delay more than it is a chorus.
Really looking for a way, to get that main lead sound as heard on the first track of this album and other tracks too. This sound is more than just reverb. There's something going on 'in' the actual sound. Would anyone care to kindly advise or take a crack at it? If it's about money, set a price.
Wouldn't mind having the rhythm sound too. That's a some sound.
But if there is a price or a plan to implement one then the rule is that only the creator and myself the payer are allowed to own the sound. That would be the policy. For obvious reasons.

What strikes me is almost an absence of attack, so the percussiveness I love in attack doesn't seem to be there. I used to play around with the ADSR section in a drum sampler, off-setting the A, or attack for a kick would remove some of the click of the attack. I'm wondering if something like that is going on.
didn't listen all the way thru but I have a hard time picking out the guitar sounds from that mix
Sounds like a comment from someone who probably also can't discern that it's all being played on fretless guitars. 😆
Guitars are drowning in reverb. Relative pitch is suspect at some points. On the “leads” there is something else going on, hard to tell, could be a fast vibrato mixed in slightly (parallel) or even an in tune ring modulator (again mixed in slightly, parallel). And obviously guitars are multi tracked at least three of four times.
Vindsval is no doubt one of my favorite artists. I have a The Work Which Transforms God preset I made that's pretty close but I don't know how to post it.
and that reminds me, on a bit of a different note, has anyone tried to get a sort of sludgy sounding gain similar to queens of the stone age or doom/stoner rocker type sludge? Or is that just impossible to do digitally at this point in time? and I wouldnt be surprised because thats alot of intricate detail that would be needed.
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