Anyone have a dynamic high gain patch (like EVH)?

javajunkie said:
Stringtheorist said:
Hmm, still very hit and miss for me, I'm afraid. I can get good enough results for presets that stay high gain all the time but if I want to clean up with the volume control either the gate closes too abruptly or opens too slowly and no amount of twiddling seems to help. :|

Set the threshold, with the tone cleaned up. The key is to only have it engage when there is noise, not playing.

Hey Java, if you have a minute could you do me a favour and check out this preset?
I must be doing something wrong because I can set the SCSel control to any row and twiddle all the parameters until I'm blue in the face but it makes no audible difference to the gating... :? :x
Stringtheorist said:
javajunkie said:
Stringtheorist said:
Hmm, still very hit and miss for me, I'm afraid. I can get good enough results for presets that stay high gain all the time but if I want to clean up with the volume control either the gate closes too abruptly or opens too slowly and no amount of twiddling seems to help. :|

Set the threshold, with the tone cleaned up. The key is to only have it engage when there is noise, not playing.

Hey Java, if you have a minute could you do me a favour and check out this preset?
I must be doing something wrong because I can set the SCSel control to any row and twiddle all the parameters until I'm blue in the face but it makes no audible difference to the gating... :? :x

That because you aren't gating the amp. You have shunt on row 3, followed by a gate, that is patched in after the amp to the pitch. You also have the SC sel set to input, you want it set to 3.

You want the gate in the same row as the amp, after the amp. Put 2 shunts in row 3, connect the shunts to the gate in row 2. Be sure and turn off the global gate.
Doh. Thanks. :oops:

I'm sort of getting the hang of it now. This method does seem to offer more control. I've got it sounding nice and tight on heavy settings but it's not working yet with guitar volume drop. Gonna have to tweak some more.
Stringtheorist said:
Doh. Thanks. :oops:

I'm sort of getting the hang of it now. This method does seem to offer more control. I've got it sounding nice and tight on heavy settings but it's not working yet with guitar volume drop. Gonna have to tweak some more.

The way I like it is for the gate to be totally off when I am playing low (so no triggering at low volumes only noise). Then have that noise gate attack, hold, and release quickly so there is no sputtering.
javajunkie said:
Stringtheorist said:
Doh. Thanks. :oops:

I'm sort of getting the hang of it now. This method does seem to offer more control. I've got it sounding nice and tight on heavy settings but it's not working yet with guitar volume drop. Gonna have to tweak some more.

The way I like it is for the gate to be totally off when I am playing low (so no triggering at low volumes only noise). Then have that noise gate attack, hold, and release quickly so there is no sputtering.
Yep, that sounds exactly what I want. Haven't got it figured out yet though. Do you have a sample preset you could share that demonstrates this?
Stringtheorist said:
javajunkie said:
Stringtheorist said:
Doh. Thanks. :oops:

I'm sort of getting the hang of it now. This method does seem to offer more control. I've got it sounding nice and tight on heavy settings but it's not working yet with guitar volume drop. Gonna have to tweak some more.

The way I like it is for the gate to be totally off when I am playing low (so no triggering at low volumes only noise). Then have that noise gate attack, hold, and release quickly so there is no sputtering.
Yep, that sounds exactly what I want. Haven't got it figured out yet though. Do you have a sample preset you could share that demonstrates this?

Yes, i'll post it when I get home. Your guitar and noise level will obviously probably be different.

The key really is to get your threshold as low as possible so it is only gating noise never your playing. Each patch will be different. If you have a patch that you don't play quiet parts with, then you can turn up the threshold.

Others will need to be lower. You will not be able to lessen the noise and play softly well. Only eliminate the noise when you are not playing. So you are going to have noise while you are playing and none when you not they way I am suggesting. There is no way for a gate to distinguish noise from music, it is all based on levels.
javajunkie said:
Stringtheorist said:
I've attempted to put Java's gating method into practice on this Brian May patch I uploaded to Axechange:

I haven't got it to work yet so that it doesn't cut in when I clean up with the volume control. I need this dynamic to play songs like "It's Late".

Queen, It's late?
That's the kiddie. He begins with the volume rolled back... very clean and chimey.. digs in and BAM huge crunch... then rolls up the volume for major whallop. :cool:
Stringtheorist said:
javajunkie said:
Stringtheorist said:
I've attempted to put Java's gating method into practice on this Brian May patch I uploaded to Axechange:

I haven't got it to work yet so that it doesn't cut in when I clean up with the volume control. I need this dynamic to play songs like "It's Late".

Queen, It's late?
That's the kiddie. He begins with the volume rolled back... very clean and chimey.. digs in and BAM huge crunch... then rolls up the volume for major whallop. :cool:

okay for that try

threshold as low as you can get away with
attack 100ms
hold 10ms
release 10 ms
ratio 7.0
gittarzann said:
Stringtheorist said:
javajunkie said:
what did your settings wind up as?
Threshold -80
Attack 100
Hold 10
Release 10
Ratio 7.08

Isn't -80 as low as it gets...or am I backwards and that is maxed ?

Yeah, and if your noise coming in from the guitar is not greater than that, it is all you need. In my case, I wish it could go a bit lower.
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