Any Guesses for V11?

I am going to guess more IRs as well. Overall, already totally satisfied. Will need weeks to get through this new upgrade. Can't see how to make it better. I suppose i lack vision! Haha
I hope V11 has a feature that syncs with your forum account and if you bitch about anything the next time you plug into your pc it disables features based on the language used in your posts. Insult fractal directly? There goes your drive block. Complain about axe edit using a string of F bombs and call FAS incompetent? No amps for you.
In V11, you first only get a Fender Champ Amp model and one 8" Jensen IR.

The AxeFx II will challenge you with guitar skill exercises that you must pass to unlock more features.
Any Guesses for V11?

Yeah, the II will have finally caught up with the Ultra
The Axe-FX II begins to learn at a geometric rate. It becomes self-aware at 2:14 a.m. Eastern time, August 29th. In a panic, we try to pull the plug. The Axe-FX II fights back.
ADA MP-1 model at last, before I give up and buy one on Ebay! I've been waiting for this one since 2008 with the Ultra! Still waiting and practicing my Vito Bratta and Skid Row licks meanwhile.... But I'm not complaining, V10 is perfect as it is...but this MP-1 would be nice...;)

There really is no need for an MP-1 or any of its modified incarnations. "Its in there"
What's the hurry.
Enjoy firmware 10,it's a huge update there is no need to speculate on version 11 already. There is already way too much within the Axe FxII already.
The original description of the Axe-FX Standard talked about amps and effects being idealised, and NOT necssarily exact copies of real world gear.

I've long held the belief that tube amps are not the ultimate guitar tone, they're just the best we've heard so far. But we've been able to tweak Axe-FX amps in ways that can be done in the real world as well as ways that can't, so to some extent we've already been able to customise our amps to exaggerate things we like and minimise things we don't.

So this is how I'd like to see the AxeFX evolve, with simpler and more powerful ways to customise our tones in ways that are better than any tube amp anyone ever heard.
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