Another naked amp bank! Matched cabs, Master Vol and level


Fractal Fanatic
With all the bare-ing in mind we've been doing lately, I thought it was about time to redo the naked amp bank. A bank where every amp has their own preset, with nothing but one cabsim and a little reverb to keep it warm. The latest firmware and changed reverb algorithms made it more or less necessary to redo the bank anyway.

Caveat: these presets are not tweaked, just defaults! (for 95%). Many of them I think don't sound so good. (I severely dislike the Metal cab, but it's paired with the Powerball because it's an Engl.) It's purely an administrative bank, meant as a bit of a starting point, tweaking will be necessary!

Many models have more than one useful tone anyway. Plus all of the different setups, guitars, playing styles and preferences makes it impossible to please everyone.

So, here it is: Dutch TimmyM Raw Amp Bank 10.03 Cabs
This time the cabs are more or less matched to the amps according to the List_of_amp_simulations wiki page. Thanks to TimmyM who took my first raw amp bank and matched most of the cabs. When there were no recommended cabs in the wiki I picked one that looked about right, like a Marshall cab to the Marsha amps. When there was more than one option I chose the one that sounded the least weird. Thus the cabs are not according to my preference, I only took liberties when I had to.

All amp block parameters are at default except the Master Volumes, they were tweaked according to the List_of_amp_simulations wiki page again, and some of the controls that were strongly recommended different than noon. After the Master Volume tweak the Amp block level parameter was used to even out the volumes at moderate sound pressure. Since the amp block is where the volume difference originates that's where it should be adjusted, IMHO. The sound pressure at which I evened them out at is "louder than bed-room level, but not as loud as live monitoring". Basically it was as loud as my Behringer Truth studio monitor type speakers would go without me worrying that I would blow the tweeter. This means it will probably not be even on most monitoring solutions, but there is no way around that, they should at least be in the ballpark. Adjust at will.

I put in a tiny bit of reverb to get a bit of ambiance.

No double presets this time, since we went over 64 amps available in the Axe-FX they don't fit pairwise in one bank anymore. Should anyone wish to tweak and compare you can always copy one to the empty patches twice and tweak your heart out.

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Re: Another naked amp bank! Matched cabs, Master Vol and lev

Great stuff and very handy to have!
Re: Another naked amp bank! Matched cabs, Master Vol and lev

Thanks again. I might have to load these into a bank and give em a run. Handy for when you really want to capture a particular rig!
Re: Another naked amp bank! Matched cabs, Master Vol and lev

Thanks Dutch! I've been meaning to do this for years. I honestly think this option should come as one of the banks in shipped Firmware (many of the presets are somewhat redundant.) It's an instant fully fleshed backline for an venue or studio.

I'll try 'em out later.

Re: Another naked amp bank! Matched cabs, Master Vol and lev

Will go naked tomorrow with these :mrgreen: Thanks!
Re: Another naked amp bank! Matched cabs, Master Vol and lev

Reminder: these presets are not tweaked, just defaults! (for 95%). Many of them I think don't sound so good. (I severely dislike the Metal cab, but it's paired with the Powerball because it's an Engl.) It's purely an administrative bank, meant as a bit of a starting point, tweaking will be necessary!

Many models have more than one useful tone anyway. Plus all of the different setups and preferences makes it impossible to please everyone.

F.e. take the top boost or the JCM-800 preset, open up Scotts tweaking guides and tweak away.

Raca has posted a number of naked amp presets in the Axe-change based on several amps that are more of a "recommended settings" type. Scott, Yek and others have more tips and presets. Clark Kent has a topic going here about recommended settings.
Re: Another naked amp bank! Matched cabs, Master Vol and lev

Hey thanks.

I was thinking about loading one of the older ones but didnt since I had newer firmware. These will save me time.

Re: Another naked amp bank! Matched cabs, Master Vol and lev

Hey Mike! Thanks!

I saw you posted the previous bank in another thread a while ago. Thanks for that! Did you do anything to it besides resaving it to 10.02?

Actually that's the one I based this one on. I had it handy. Haven't reset every amp to default because I assumed they still were on default.

Maybe I should...
Re: Another naked amp bank! Matched cabs, Master Vol and lev

I just downloaded it and played for two hours. It's a nice way to go though all the amps and see how they sound like. Very useful. Thanks !
Re: Another naked amp bank! Matched cabs, Master Vol and lev

Dutch said:
Hey Mike! Thanks!

I saw you posted the previous bank in another thread a while ago. Thanks for that! Did you do anything to it besides resaving it to 10.02?

Actually that's the one I based this one on. I had it handy. Haven't reset every amp to default because I assumed they still were on default.

Maybe I should...

I don't know what's the latest with the Presence control but at least to my ears the DEFAULT should be at 5.00 not at 0.00
Anybody knows for sure it "noon on real amp = 5.00 on the AXE_FX?"
If it is, Fractal should change the "default setting"

Re: Another naked amp bank! Matched cabs, Master Vol and lev

I tried initializing a couple of the amps and they showed the same settings afterwards. So that's the defaults right there. At least those presets didn't get changed. If these settings aren't right I think we should take that up with the boss.
It would be pretty counterintuitive to have a dial called presence that actually only works for half its range as a presence dial and as something else the other half... Should at least change the name.

My previous tube amp was a '96 Dual Recto so the presence never got upped much. Those things take your head off with much presence... It's been a while too, had a Vetta in between so I lost all sense of reality...
Re: Another naked amp bank! Matched cabs, Master Vol and lev

This is cool! Gonna have to load up a bank with these...
Re: Another naked amp bank! Matched cabs, Master Vol and lev

Dutch said:
It would be pretty counterintuitive to have a dial called presence that actually only works for half its range as a presence dial and as something else the other half... Should at least change the name.

I'm pretty sure Cliff said that at least on some amps
the Presence acts as a "high cut" from 8 to noon and kicks in as a
Presence control from Noon and up.
I'm not complaining or anything, it's just an idea for Fractal to change the Defaults.
Unless they consider zero on real amp as a default position for the Presence. (as oppose to noon)

Re: Another naked amp bank! Matched cabs, Master Vol and lev

Just tried these all out-- man, these should be stock presets. I learned a ton with these and it saved me so much time auditioning all the different models with the appropriate cabs/etc... Thanks so much for this!
Re: Another naked amp bank! Matched cabs, Master Vol and lev

Thanks again! :)

Dutch, Yek Scott, ... good fellows here, thank you all!
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