Announcing Fractal-Bot 1.0!

Can I download the USB drivers on a system with Windows XP, Microsoft is giving me a stern warning not to do it.

I do need those drivers even with the bot don't I?

Yes, the driver will be okay for Windows XP. You'll need to install it if you're planning to connect an Axe-Fx II to your computer via USB.
Thanks Ryan!

I ended up downloading both v10 and the bot on a Windows 7 machine. The bot loaded the presets which was a pleasant surprise.

I dumped my presets to usb before, but can't find them on my system. I also backup my presets on the AxeFx. Where would I find those?
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Thanks Ryan!

I ended up downloading both v10 and the bot on a Windows 7 machine. The bot loaded the presets which was a pleasant surprise.

I dumped my presets to usb before, but can't find them on my system. I also backup my presets on the AxeFx. Where would I find those?

No prob! Using Fractal-Bot to load presets isn't officially supported yet, however, if it worked for you then that's great. As for the backups, if you're looking to restore from the Axe-Fx take a look at pages 149-150 of the Axe-Fx II manual. Section '13.2 Onboard ROM Backup and Restore' will tell you exactly what to do. If you backed up your presets to your computer using Axe-Edit, try taking a look in your workspace folder as they're most likely somewhere in there.
Ryan - when you use the "Fetch Factory Preset" function, what factory preset does it grab? Is it grabbing from when the unit was originally flashed w/ the presets @ Fractal or can that master factory list get updated to use the v10 presets?
Ryan - when you use the "Fetch Factory Preset" function, what factory preset does it grab? Is it grabbing from when the unit was originally flashed w/ the presets @ Fractal or can that master factory list get updated to use the v10 presets?

"Fetch Factory Preset" will restore from the presets that were originally flashed here at Fractal. Updating the master factory list is not supported.
"Fetch Factory Preset" will restore from the presets that were originally flashed here at Fractal. Updating the master factory list is not supported.

Thanks for the info and love the feature. I'd vote to be able to re-flash your factory presets if that's possible at some point. I'd hate to recall a v2 preset on my shiny v10 system (oh the horror...).
I wanted to chime in on the kudos to the Bot! It makes firmware updating sooooooooo much easier. Thank you to all those involved in its development!
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