Announcing FM9 Turbo

Once all the FM9's are gone (very soon), they will put the Turbo model on the site.
The original model FM9s are not available. Maybe at a point in the future they will get the previous DSP sets again and will make them available, but the supply dried up, they switched to the faster set and made it available.

It will likely have a new waitlist.
It will be the same list servicing whatever is available.

Both things were previously said by FAS.
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Weird. So you don't see reference to the Turbo at this link? I just clicked "Products" and selected the FM9.
I do see the image of the FM9. You specifically referenced the TURBO version. I only see the FM9 version from the Products link. Yes, if you scroll down, it talks about TURBO on that page, but to see the actual product, you have to go to the SHOP tab. Either way, just get on the list.
It was announced yesterday and they’re not even sure they’ll be able to fulfill the whole current waitlist, never mind the others who have jumped on in the last 24 hours. I doubt updating the website is on top of their To-Do list right now.
It was announced yesterday and they’re not even sure they’ll be able to fulfill the whole current waitlist, never mind the others who have jumped on in the last 24 hours. I doubt updating the website is on top of their To-Do list right now.
Completely agree. Supply is their issue on the FM9's right now- definitely not demand. The FM9 is incredible. Can't wait to get mine (Turbo edition!) I got the list on day2. My number should be coming up soon!
I do see the image of the FM9. You specifically referenced the TURBO version. I only see the FM9 version from the Products link. Yes, if you scroll down, it talks about TURBO on that page, but to see the actual product, you have to go to the SHOP tab. Either way, just get on the list.
What is the difference that you see, other than the Turbo graphic in the start-up screen?
They're currently trying to fulfill wait list requests with Turbos as those depend on DSPs available, regular FM9s still can't be delivered. In order to reduce risk in the future they'll surely offer both models at the same time hoping that at least one can be supplied.

This is not the case. The Turbo is the only unit that will be for sale moving forward as the components used in the original FM9 are unavailable. This was discussed earlier in the thread.
This is not the case. The Turbo is the only unit that will be for sale moving forward as the components used in the original FM9 are unavailable. This was discussed earlier in the thread.

We will only have FM9 Turbos in stock for now.
Whether or not we ever produce any more standards will depend on unforeseeable circumstances.

Guess we'll have to wait and see.
Anyone got a shipping notice yet ? Obviously I know they got a ton of orders yesterday so might be a pretty big task to get everything shipped, but just curious if anyone got any notifications yet?
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