Andy T sound clip only online for short time

Wow! Pure awesomeness! Great playing and sound!
Which EMG pus did you use?
I'd love to see your settings.
Could stand to use a bit more drive and it's a tiny bit harsh on the high end bite.

Edit: Just got to the end breakdown part... and that is much better... could stand to add a bit more high end on that one though... :lol: :lol: :lol:
Again thanks guys,
Mainly use a wrecker lightly crunchy, stock 412 cali, add delay and reverb in series, and i have a enhancer in parallel on the end.
for the solo add the bb si diode with tone rolled off in it and gain to taste.
EMG SA single coil on most of it and switch to 81 rear on the lead.
i think once compressed and eq'ed on the daw it will probably do ok. I used it quite a bit live last weekend though stereo bose L1's and it really CHIMES!!
9.03 got me there im sure!

I get to see and chat with Andy in a couple of weeks at the Dallas guitar show.
He always makes me go home and practice lol.
I was hoping to perform there this year but wasnt picked. :(
Next year though.....

I won't give up ;-)

Would you mind sharing the patch? See, whenever I tried to come close to his tone, a lot was missing. I bought the Ibanez AT 300 (which is more beautiful than his current model IMHO) and replaced everything to be as close to the AT100 as possible.

I do realize I will never have his fingers and tone, but I just would like to be soundwise in the same ballpark.

It would be great if you decide to share it. Can I bribe you with a german beer ;-) ? said:
I won't give up ;-)

Would you mind sharing the patch? See, whenever I tried to come close to his tone, a lot was missing. I bought the Ibanez AT 300 (which is more beautiful than his current model IMHO) and replaced everything to be as close to the AT100 as possible.

I do realize I will never have his fingers and tone, but I just would like to be soundwise in the same ballpark.

It would be great if you decide to share it. Can I bribe you with a german beer ;-) ?

There's a great Timmons patch in this thread:
one of the best AxeFx recordings I've ever heard.... wow...

was that recorded direct or did you mic a speaker / cab?
Hey Guys,
This was direct into the Presonus interface.

As far as sharing patches, I have to agree with one of my hero's, Bill Ruppert.
Google him and you will see what I mean.

This is from a post he did,

From Bill Ruppert,

. . as far as posting patches I wanted to write and explain why I don't.
I personally do not use any factory patches or patches from any one else.
I start with a blank canvas as it leads me to many cool things I would never have found.
To me, the use of posted patches leads to a plug and play musician.
It short cuts the creative process of this great new instrument.
That is what was SO bad for Synths in the 1980's.
Every DX-7 sounded the same and you could hear it on every record.
We use to pick them out on records and even know the patch name the guy used!"
end quote"

I have to agree, I really tried factory and user patches. Never have I used any.
Even great sounding patches by Mark Day did not work at all for me.

Start from scratch, you will be glad you did.

Gonna leave this clip up, just a bit longer. Out of respect for Andy it will be gone soon.
I really need to create my own stuff, I go in circles thinking my stuff sucks, and shelve it.
Ya'll have given me encouragement to keep trying.
Thanks again
Dramelot said:
Hey Guys,
This was direct into the Presonus interface.

As far as sharing patches, I have to agree with one of my hero's, Bill Ruppert.
Google him and you will see what I mean.

This is from a post he did,

From Bill Ruppert,

. . as far as posting patches I wanted to write and explain why I don't.
I personally do not use any factory patches or patches from any one else.
I start with a blank canvas as it leads me to many cool things I would never have found.
To me, the use of posted patches leads to a plug and play musician.
It short cuts the creative process of this great new instrument.
That is what was SO bad for Synths in the 1980's.
Every DX-7 sounded the same and you could hear it on every record.
We use to pick them out on records and even know the patch name the guy used!"
end quote"

I have to agree, I really tried factory and user patches. Never have I used any.
Even great sounding patches by Mark Day did not work at all for me.

Start from scratch, you will be glad you did.

Gonna leave this clip up, just a bit longer. Out of respect for Andy it will be gone soon.
I really need to create my own stuff, I go in circles thinking my stuff sucks, and shelve it.
Ya'll have given me encouragement to keep trying.
Thanks again
Even if the you patch does not work for everyone (or possibly anyone)... it's the "behind the scenes" knowledge that is acquired from viewing how other people setup patches... I remember looking at someone's patch several months (maybe over a year ago) and he had a heavy ass sound. Then I see he used a Recto model with the drive set to about 7 o'clock (1.5 I think) and he had a drive block set to about 10 o'clock (4.0 I think) and it sounded pretty heavy... still a bit think but within his recordings it sounded heavy as fuck. This taught me to turn down my drive whenever possible.

But if you don't want to share your patches because you want someone to "find their own sound," then that's one thing... but if you don't want to share your patches because you don't want someone to "cop your sound" then that's another... There's definitely a couple of folks just like that here on this forum who are stingy with their patches...
Dramelot said:
As far as sharing patches....

I respect your opinion, and I share it to a certain extent. But the tone is very much in your fingers, not just in the preset sound. This is more true for a guitar, than for a DX-7.

But at least you have shown what's possible, and you've shared the basic what-amp, what-cab and I thank you for that. I'll go from there ;-)
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