Analog delay with degrading repeats???

I have the latest Axe Edit but I'm not quite sure how to get to Axechange. Does it still even exist? Axechange has always been a mystery to me.

Anyway, I'm looking for patches that have delays with lo-fi repeats that degrade as they go on. There is a video of Pete Thorn using delay and controlling the repeats with a pedal. It sounds great as the repeats go on and on, they start to break up and get a little fuzzy. The super dub delay or whatever it's called, that one is pretty good too. Anyone have the .syx file for it?

When you open AxeEdit, look over to the top left for the "Preset Manager" button. Press it and the Preset Manager window opens. Over on the right pane, you'll see Axe-Change. Press that tab. Press the "Source" button and log in with your Fractal forum username and password.

At this point, you should press the "Bank A" button. Choose the bank (we're up to Bank J now) you want and press the "Load" button on the right to load up ALL banks or just the bank you've selected. At that point, you should be set. There's a way to "Auto Audition" each patch so that when you click on the patch, it loads up on your hardware's front display.

Hope that helps!

Lawless, I did all you said and now I can see the list of patches. Now, how can I load a patch from axe-change on axe-edit so I can see the amps and effects ?

P.S. I discovered myself meanwhile.
After you load the bank, you should either be able to click or double click on the patch you want to load. If that doesn't work, right click on the patch and select "Audition" or "Edit". That should work. I don't have it right in front of me but those have always worked for me.

Hi Cardinal,

The preset in that video is one of my "QDELAYs" -- precursors to "Duper Dub".

I think some of these are on Axe-Change. I'll check and get them up if not.
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