Amp block advance parameters always set to same default?


Following advice given on another thread I've been adjusting the triode hardness setting on a few of my presets in an attempt to smooth out the response (sorry Cliff, reverse engineering your good work!) and I've noticed that the setting for all amp models is always at 8.500 (I think - from memory), as are a lot of other advance parameters. Is this right? Just seems a bit odd to me as I would have thought there would be an optimum setting for each amp which would differ according to the model rather than each one being on the same setting? Are they set at that level at the factory, or did something go wrong when I upgraded the firmware to V10? Just curious.
The hardness for each model is rounded to the nearest 0.5. It almost always measures between 8.5 and 9.00. I think there may be a couple amps where it measured around 9.5.
On the other hand that would depend on the preamp tube model
you put in your amp.

Following advice given on another thread I've been adjusting the triode hardness setting on a few of my presets in an attempt to smooth out the response (sorry Cliff, reverse engineering your good work!) and I've noticed that the setting for all amp models is always at 8.500 (I think - from memory), as are a lot of other advance parameters. Is this right? Just seems a bit odd to me as I would have thought there would be an optimum setting for each amp which would differ according to the model rather than each one being on the same setting? Are they set at that level at the factory, or did something go wrong when I upgraded the firmware to V10? Just curious.
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