Adjusting scene controller levels in axe edit.


I've just asked this question but for some reason the only reply I got has been deleted.


in axe edit I click on the scene controller for say drive for example. The scene controller window opens.

I then try and click on the value window so I can type say "7" as a drive level.

No joy.

My last reply to this question stated that I had already attached a scene controller to the knob.

Problem. If I don't attach a controller to the knob then the "controller window" doesn't open.

All I want to do is have EXACT values, in my drive but it's mind numbing twiddling the drive knob in the edit window to get a integer and not a Decimal.


Scent from my ismell
I want to be able to click in the box that says "1.018" and type 1, or 5 etc no joy

Scent from my ismell
I'm not 100% certain that the folks in the audience will notice the difference between 1.000 and 1.018 when you're midway through Agadoo, but, I am a bugger for always using round number or .5's myself too!
Those settings are for the min and max values that the scene controller can sweep, not for actual setting the value per scene. For that you need to goto the Controllers menu, and then the Scene menu.

as for not being able to input values, Cliff stated that it's not possible with these because how they work. You can use the mouse wheel alone or with the control key for fine tuning.
Those settings are for the min and max values that the scene controller can sweep, not for actual setting the value per scene. For that you need to goto the Controllers menu, and then the Scene menu.

as for not being able to input values, Cliff stated that it's not possible with these because how they work. You can use the mouse wheel alone or with the control key for fine tuning.

Thanks for your reply, I get that. Sorry for confusing things.

Scent from my ismell
You can use the arrow keys on your keyboard to adjust the value. Hold down Ctrl and use arrow keys for fine tuning the setting 1 digit at a time. Not sure why we can't click the field and type in the number like in the normal axe edit window.
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