A Security tool wreaks havoc globally

I agree to an extent, but security software typically has its claws in the OS much deeper than your typical app. Windows doesn't always handle driver issues very gracefully and that could certainly be improved. However, the fact that Crowdstrike apparently did the same thing to a bunch of Linux based systems recently as well further indicates that they are the primary culprit. I can imagine their customer base is going to shrink quite a bit after this fiasco.
CrowdStrike's Falcon Sensor is installed at the operating system kernel level, as I understand it, so it's hard for the OS to wall it off.

Whether it's a good idea that third party software ties in at such a privileged level is certainly up for debate, but as I understand it, that's necessary for it to do what it's supposed to do.

At minimum, I'm in no position to critique this arrangement.
It's a bit of a rock and a hard place thing too. If Microsoft doesn't allow 3rd party apps to handle certain things the anti-trust and anti-monopoly crowd gets their hackles up since Microsoft is so big and widespread. If they do, they can open the system up to issues like this. As always it gets complicated quick.
Yeah I feel like Microsoft is somewhat unfairly getting lumped into this mess. News outlets everywhere keep calling it a Microsoft outage. This was a Crowdstrike screw up. Microsoft systems that don't run Crowdstrike's software were completely unaffected. You don't blame the car for not running right when the driver accidentally puts diesel in the tank.

There was a Microsoft Azure outage and the Crowdstrike debacle that same day. I noticed because one hit my workplace and one didn't. It's obvious which one got the more attention.
Standardized my company on Debian so I’m feeling smug AF at the office today. :D
Chew on this though -- my workplace is requiring that I now put Microsoft Defender and Tenable Nessus Agent on my Linux (CentOS and Rocky) boxen. Considering I have a few hundred of those that have to work in tight synchrony, guess how much I'm loving that...?
Chew on this though -- my workplace is requiring that I now put Microsoft Defender and Tenable Nessus Agent on my Linux (CentOS and Rocky) boxen. Considering I have a few hundred of those that have to work in tight synchrony, guess how much I'm loving that...?
Yeeeeaaaa. See, sometimes it’s good to be the boss. :)
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